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Module Netulex.ULB

module ULB: sig .. end

This module provides the unicode_lexbuf record with access functions. In this record, the data is available in two forms: As an array of Unicode code points ulb_chars, and as string of encoded chars ulb_rawbuf. Both buffers are synchronised by ulb_chars_pos. This array stores where every character of ulb_chars can be found in ulb_rawbuf.
type unicode_lexbuf = private {
   mutable ulb_encoding : Netconversion.encoding; (*The character encoding of ulb_rawbuf*)
   mutable ulb_encoding_start : int; (*The first character position to which ulb_encoding applies (the encoding of earlier positions is lost)*)
   mutable ulb_rawbuf : Bytes.t; (*The encoded string to analyse*)
   mutable ulb_rawbuf_len : int; (*The filled part of ulb_rawbuf*)
   mutable ulb_rawbuf_end : int; (*The analysed part of ulb_rawbuf. We have always ulb_rawbuf_end <= ulb_rawbuf_len. The analysed part may be shorter than the filled part because there is not enough space in ulb_chars, or because the filled part ends with an incomplete multi-byte character*)
   mutable ulb_rawbuf_const : bool; (*Whether ulb_rawbuf is considered as a constant. If true, it is never blitted.*)
   mutable ulb_chars : int array; (*The analysed part of ulb_rawbuf as array of Unicode code points. Only the positions 0 to ulb_chars_len-1 of the array are filled.*)
   mutable ulb_chars_pos : int array; (*For every analysed character this array stores the byte position where the character begins in ulb_rawbuf. In addition, the array contains at ulb_chars_len the value of ulb_rawbuf_end.

This array is one element longer than ulb_chars.

   mutable ulb_chars_len : int; (*The filled part of ulb_chars*)
   mutable ulb_eof : bool; (*Whether EOF has been seen*)
   mutable ulb_refill : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int; (*The refill function*)
   mutable ulb_enc_change_hook : unicode_lexbuf -> unit; (*This function is called when the encoding changes*)
   mutable ulb_cursor : Bytes.t Netconversion.poly_cursor; (*Internally used by the implementation*)
val from_function : ?raw_size:int ->
?char_size:int ->
?enc_change_hook:(unicode_lexbuf -> unit) ->
refill:(Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int) ->
Netconversion.encoding -> unicode_lexbuf
Creates a unicode_lexbuf to analyse strings of the passed encoding coming from the refill function.

raw_size : The initial size for ulb_rawbuf. Defaults to 512
char_size : The initial size for ulb_chars. Defaults to 256
enc_change_hook : This function is called when the encoding is changed, either by this module, or by the user calling set_encoding.
refill : This function is called with arguments ulb_rawbuf, ulb_rawbuf_len, and l, where l = String.length ulb_rawbuf - ulb_rawbuf_len is the free space in the buffer. The function should fill new bytes into this substring, and return the number of added bytes. The return value 0 signals EOF.
val from_in_obj_channel : ?raw_size:int ->
?char_size:int ->
?enc_change_hook:(unicode_lexbuf -> unit) ->
Netconversion.encoding ->
Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> unicode_lexbuf
Creates a unicode_lexbuf to analyse strings of the passed encoding coming from the object channel.

raw_size : The initial size for ulb_rawbuf. Defaults to 512
char_size : The initial size for ulb_chars. Defaults to 256
enc_change_hook : This function is called when the encoding is changed, either by this module, or by the user calling set_encoding.
val from_string : ?enc_change_hook:(unicode_lexbuf -> unit) ->
Netconversion.encoding -> string -> unicode_lexbuf
Creates a unicode_lexbuf analysing the passed string encoded in the passed encoding. This function copies the input string.

enc_change_hook : This function is called when the encoding is changed, either by this module, or by the user calling set_encoding
val from_bytes : ?enc_change_hook:(unicode_lexbuf -> unit) ->
Netconversion.encoding -> Bytes.t -> unicode_lexbuf
Same for bytes
val from_bytes_inplace : ?enc_change_hook:(unicode_lexbuf -> unit) ->
Netconversion.encoding -> Bytes.t -> unicode_lexbuf
Creates a unicode_lexbuf analysing the passed string encoded in the passed encoding. This function does not copy the input string, but uses it directly as ulb_rawbuf. The string is not modified by ULB, but the caller must ensure that other program parts do not modify it either.

enc_change_hook : This function is called when the encoding is changed, either by this module, or by the user calling set_encoding

Regarding from_string_inplace, this function has been removed as strings are now considered immutable.
val delete : int -> unicode_lexbuf -> unit
Deletes the number of characters from unicode_lexbuf. These characters are removed from the beginning of the buffer, i.e. ulb_chars.(n) becomes the new first character of the buffer. All three buffers ulb_rawbuf, ulb_chars, and ulb_chars_pos are blitted as necessary.

When the buffer is already at EOF, the function fails.

For efficiency, it should be tried to call delete as seldom as possible. Its speed is linear to the number of characters to move.

val refill : unicode_lexbuf -> unit
Tries to add characters to the unicode_lexbuf by calling the ulb_refill function. When the buffer is already at EOF, the exception End_of_file is raised, and the buffer is not modified. Otherwise, the ulb_refill function is called to add new characters. If necessary, ulb_rawbuf, ulb_chars, and ulb_chars_pos are enlarged such that it is ensured that either at least one new character is added, or that EOF is found for the first time In the latter case, ulb_eof is set to true (and the next call of refill_unicode_lexbuf will raise End_of_file).
val set_encoding : Netconversion.encoding -> unicode_lexbuf -> unit
Sets the encoding to the passed value. This only affects future refill calls. The hook enc_change_hook is invoked when defined.
val close : unicode_lexbuf -> unit
Sets ulb_eof of the unicode_lexbuf. The rest of the buffer is not modified
val utf8_sub_string : int -> int -> unicode_lexbuf -> string
The two int arguments are the position and length of a sub string of the lexbuf that is returned as UTF8 string. Position and length are given as character multiples, not byte multiples.
val utf8_sub_string_length : int -> int -> unicode_lexbuf -> int
Returns String.length(utf8_sub_string args). Tries not to allocate the UTF-8 string.
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