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Module Neturl

module Neturl: sig .. end
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)


The tutorial has been moved to Neturl_tut.


This module provides functions to parse URLs, to print URLs, to store URLs, to modify URLs, and to apply relative URLs.

URLs are strings formed according to pattern (1) or (2):

  1. scheme://user;userparams:password@host:port/path;params?query#fragment
  2. scheme:other;params?query#fragment
The word at the beginning of the URL identifies the URL scheme (such as "http" or "file"). Depending on the scheme, not all of the parts are allowed, or parts may be omitted. This module defines the type url_syntax whose values describe which parts are allowed/required/ not allowed for a concrete URL scheme (see below).

Not all characters are allowed in a URL. Some characters are allowed, but have the special task to separate the various parts of the URL (reserved characters). However, it is possible to include even invalid or reserved characters as normal content by applying the %-encoding on these characters: A '%' indicates that an encoded character follows, and the character is denoted by a two-digit hexadecimal number (e.g. %2f for '/'). In the following descriptions, the term "encoded string" means a string containing such %-encoded characters, and the "decoded string" means a string not containing such characters. See the module Netencoding.Url for functions encoding or decoding strings.

The type url describes values storing the components of a URL, and the url_syntax for the URL. In general, the components are stored as encoded strings; however, not for all components the %-encoding is applicable.

For convenience, the functions creating, modifying, and accessing URLs can handle both encoded and decoded strings. In order to avoid errors, the functions pass strings even in their decoded form.

Note that there is currently no function to compare URLs. The canoncical comparison ( = ) is not applicable because the same URL may be written in different ways.

Note that nothing is said about the character set/encoding of URLs. Some protocols and standards prefer UTF-8 as fundamental encoding and apply the %-encoding on top of it; i.e. the byte sequence representing a character in UTF-8 is %-encoded.

Standards Compliance

This module implements RFC 1738 and RFC 1808. There is also a newer RFC, 2396, updating the former RFCs, but this module is not fully compatible with RFC 2396. The following (minor) problems may occur:

  • The module escapes more characters than needed. All characters that are "unsafe" or "reserved" in either RFC document are escaped.
  • URL parameters (appended with a ";") are handled as in RFCs 1738/1808. In RFC 2396, every path component may have parameters, and the algorithm to resolve relative URLs is different in this point. If it is required to apply RFC 2396, one can disable URL parameters in the syntax, and extract them from the path by a self-written postprocessor. Usually, this is only required for imap URLs.
In one point, RFC 2396 is preferred:

  • Authorities may be terminated by a question mark, as in "http://host?query". This is illegal in RFC 1738. The consequence is, however, that question marks in user strings must be escaped.
RFC 3986 introduces IPv6 addresses. These are now supported (but see the comments below).
exception Malformed_URL
Raised by a number of functions when encountering a badly formed URL.
val extract_url_scheme : string -> string
Returns the URL scheme from the string representation of an URL. E.g. extract_url_scheme "http://host/path" = "http". The scheme name is always converted to lowercase characters. Raises Malformed_URL if the scheme name is not found.
type url_syntax_option = 
| Url_part_not_recognized (*The part, even if there, is not even recognized*)
| Url_part_allowed (*The part can be present*)
| Url_part_required (*The part must be present*)
type url_syntax = {
   url_enable_scheme : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_user : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_user_param : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_password : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_host : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_port : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_path : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_param : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_query : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_fragment : url_syntax_option;
   url_enable_other : url_syntax_option;
   url_accepts_8bits : bool;
   url_is_valid : url -> bool;
   url_enable_relative : bool;
Values of type url_syntax describe which components of an URL are recognized, which are allowed (and optional), and which are required. Not all combinations are valid; the predicate expressed by the function url_syntax_is_valid must hold.

The function url_is_valid is applied when a fresh URL is created and must return true. This function allows it to add an arbitrary validity criterion to url_syntax. (Note that the URL passed to this function is not fully working; you can safely assume that the accessor functions url_scheme etc. can be applied to it.)

Switch url_accepts_8bit: If true, the bytes with code 128 to 255 are treated like alphanumeric characters; if false these bytes are illegal (but it is still possible to include such byte in their encoded form: %80 to %FF).

Switch url_enable_relative: If true, the syntax allows relative URLs in principle. Actually, parsing of relative URLs is possible when the optional parts are flagged as Url_part_allowed and not as Url_part_required. However, it is useful to specify URL syntaxes always as absolute URLs, and to weaken them on demand when a relative URL is found by the parser. This switch enables that. In particular, the function partial_url_syntax checks this flag.

type url 
Values of type url describe concrete URLs. Every URL must have a fundamental url_syntax, and it is only possible to create URLs conforming to the syntax. See make_url for further information.
val url_syntax_is_valid : url_syntax -> bool
Checks whether the passed url_syntax is valid. This means:
  • If passwords are recognized, users (and hosts) must be recognized, too
  • If ports are recognized, hosts must be recognized, too
  • If users are recognized, hosts must be recognized, too
  • Either the syntax recognizes one of the phrases { user, password, host, port, path }, or the syntax recognized the phrase 'other'.

val partial_url_syntax : url_syntax -> url_syntax
Transforms the syntax into another syntax where all required parts are changed into optional parts.
val null_url_syntax : url_syntax
An URL syntax that recognizes nothing. Use this as base for your own definitions, e.g.
 let my_syntax = { null_url_syntax with
                     url_enable_host = Url_part_required; ... }

val ip_url_syntax : url_syntax
Syntax for IP based protocols. This syntax allows scheme, user, password, host, port, path, param, query, fragment, but not "other". It does not accept 8 bit bytes.
val common_url_syntax : (string, url_syntax) Hashtbl.t
Syntax descriptions for common URL schemes. The key of the hashtable is the scheme name, and the value is the corresponding syntax.

  • "file": scheme, host?, path
  • "ftp": scheme, user?, password?, host, port?, path?, param? Note: param is not checked.
  • "http", "https": scheme, user?, password?, host, port?, path?, query?
  • "mailto": scheme, other, query? (RFC 2368)
  • "pop", "pops": scheme, user?, user_param?, password?, host, port? Note: user_param is not checked. (RFC 2384)
  • "imap", "imaps": scheme, user?, user_param?, password?, host, port?, path?, query? (RFC 2192) Note: "param" is intentionally not recognized to get the resolution of relative URLs as described in the RFC. When analysing this kind of URL, it is recommended to re-parse it with "param" enabled.
  • "news": scheme, other (RFC 1738)
  • "nntp", "nntps": scheme, host, port?, path (with two components) (RFC 1738)
  • "data": scheme, other (RFC 2397). "other" is not further decomposed.
  • "ipp", "ipps": scheme, host, port? , path?, query? (RFC 3510)
  • "cid", "mid": Content/message identifiers: scheme, other
  • "ldap": scheme, host?, port?, path?, query? (RFC 4516)
  • These syntax descriptions can be weakened for partial/relative URLs by changing the required parts to optional parts: See the function partial_url_syntax.
  • None of the descriptions allows fragments. These can be enabled by setting url_enable_fragment to Url_part_allowed. E.g.
     { file_url_syntax with url_enable_fragment = Url_part_allowed } 
  • 8 bit bytes are not accepted
  • A large number of standardised scheme syntaxes are not available, e.g. gopher, prospero, wais. The selection is a bit subjective, but I have tried to omit protocols that are no longer in common use, or that are very special.
  • The LDAP URL syntax (RFC 1959) does not fit into our scheme, it is omitted for now because of this.

val null_url : url
A URL without any component and null_url_syntax
val make_url : ?encoded:bool ->
?scheme:string ->
?user:string ->
?user_param:string list ->
?password:string ->
?host:string ->
?addr:Unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?socksymbol:Netsockaddr.socksymbol ->
?path:string list ->
?param:string list ->
?query:string ->
?fragment:string -> ?other:string -> url_syntax -> url
Creates a URL from components:

  • The components scheme and host are simple strings to which the %-encoding is not applicable. host may be a (DNS) name, an IPv4 address as "dotted quad", or an IPv6 address enclosed in brackets.
  • addr also sets host, but directly from an inet_addr.
  • The component port is a simple number. Of course, the %-encoding is not applicable, too.
  • socksymbol sets both host and port from the socksymbol of type `Inet or `Inet_byname.
  • The components user, password, query, fragment, and other are strings which may contain %-encoded characters. By default, you can pass any string for these components, and problematic characters are automatically encoded. If you set encoded:true, the passed strings must already be encoded, but the function checks whether the encoding is syntactically correct. Note that for query even the characters '?' and '=' are encoded by default, so you need to set encoded:true to pass a reasonable query string.
  • The components user_param, path and param are lists of strings which may contain %-encoded characters. Again, the default is to pass decoded strings to the function, and the function encodes them automatically, and by setting encoded:true the caller is responsible for encoding the strings. Passing empty lists for these components means that they are not part of the constructed URL. See below for the respresentation of these components.
socksymbol has precedence over addr, which has precedence over host. socksymbol also has precedence over port.

The strings representing the components do not contain the characters separating the components from each other.

The created URL must conform to the url_syntax, i.e.:

  • The URL must only contain components which are recognized by the syntax
  • The URL must contain components which are required by the syntax
  • The URL must fulfill the predicate expressed by the url_is_valid function of the syntax.
The path of a URL is represented as a list of '/'-separated path components. i.e.

[ s1; s2; ...; sN ] represents the path s1 ^ "/" ^ s2 ^ "/" ^ ... ^ "/" ^ sN

As special cases:

  • [] is the non-existing path
  • [ "" ] is "/"
  • [ "";"" ] is illegal
Except of s1 and sN, the path components must not be empty strings.

To avoid ambiguities, it is illegal to create URLs with both relative paths (s1 <> "") and host components.

Parameters of URLs (param and user_param) are components beginning with ';'. The list of parameters is represented as list of strings where the strings contain the value following ';'.

val modify_url : ?syntax:url_syntax ->
?encoded:bool ->
?scheme:string ->
?user:string ->
?user_param:string list ->
?password:string ->
?host:string ->
?addr:Unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?socksymbol:Netsockaddr.socksymbol ->
?path:string list ->
?param:string list ->
?query:string ->
?fragment:string -> ?other:string -> url -> url
Modifies the passed components and returns the modified URL. The modfied URL shares unmodified components with the original URL.
val remove_from_url : ?scheme:bool ->
?user:bool ->
?user_param:bool ->
?password:bool ->
?host:bool ->
?port:bool ->
?path:bool ->
?param:bool ->
?query:bool -> ?fragment:bool -> ?other:bool -> url -> url
Removes the true components from the URL, and returns the modified URL. The modfied URL shares unmodified components with the original URL.
val default_url : ?encoded:bool ->
?scheme:string ->
?user:string ->
?user_param:string list ->
?password:string ->
?host:string ->
?port:int ->
?path:string list ->
?param:string list ->
?query:string ->
?fragment:string -> ?other:string -> url -> url
Adds missing components and returns the modified URL. The modfied URL shares unmodified components with the original URL.
val undefault_url : ?scheme:string ->
?user:string ->
?user_param:string list ->
?password:string ->
?host:string ->
?port:int ->
?path:string list ->
?param:string list ->
?query:string ->
?fragment:string -> ?other:string -> url -> url
Removes components from the URL if they have the passed value, and returns the modified URL. Note: The values must always be passed in encoded form! The modfied URL shares unmodified components with the original URL.
val url_syntax_of_url : url -> url_syntax
Returns the url_syntax record of a URL.
val url_of_string : url_syntax -> string -> url
Parses the passed string according to the passed url_syntax.
val string_of_url : url -> string
Returns the URL as string
val parse_url : ?schemes:(string, url_syntax) Hashtbl.t ->
?base_syntax:url_syntax ->
?accept_8bits:bool -> ?enable_fragment:bool -> string -> url
Parses the string and returns the URL the string represents. If the URL is absolute (i.e. begins with a scheme like "http:..."), the syntax will be looked up in schemes. If the URL is relative, the base_syntax will be taken if passed. Without base_syntax, relative URLs cannot be parsed.

schemes : This hashtable maps scheme names to syntax descriptions. The default is common_url_syntax.
base_syntax : If passed, the function can parse relative URLs according to this syntax. If not passed, the function will raise Malformed_URL on a relative URL.
accept_8bits : If false, the default, it depends on the syntax descriptions in schemes whether 8 bit characters are accepted in the input or not. If true, 8 bit characters are always accepted.
enable_fragment : If false, the default, it depends on the syntax descriptions in schemes whether fragment identifiers (e.g. "#fragment") are recognized or not. If true, fragments are always recognized.
val fixup_url_string : ?escape_hash:bool -> string -> string
Escapes some unsafe or "unwise" characters that are commonly used in URL strings: space, < > { } ^ \\ | and double quotes. Call this function before parsing the URL to support these characters.

If escape_hash is set, '#' is also escaped.

Change: Since Ocamlnet-3.4, square brackets are no longer fixed up, because they have now a legal use to denote IPv6 addresses.

val url_provides : ?scheme:bool ->
?user:bool ->
?user_param:bool ->
?password:bool ->
?host:bool ->
?port:bool ->
?path:bool ->
?param:bool ->
?query:bool -> ?fragment:bool -> ?other:bool -> url -> bool
Returns true iff the URL has all of the components passed with true value.
val url_scheme : url -> string
val url_user : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string
val url_user_param : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string list
val url_password : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string
val url_host : url -> string
val url_port : url -> int
val url_path : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string list
val url_param : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string list
val url_query : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string
val url_fragment : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string
val url_other : ?encoded:bool -> url -> string
Return components of the URL. The functions return decoded strings unless encoded:true is set. If the component does not exist, the exception Not_found is raised.

Note that IPv6 addresses, when returned by url_host, are enclosed in square brackets. Modules calling url_host may require porting to support this syntax variant.

val url_addr : url -> Unix.inet_addr
If the host part of the URL is an IP address, the address is returned. Works for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Otherwise Not_found is raised.
val url_socksymbol : url -> int -> Netsockaddr.socksymbol
url_socksymbol url default_port: Returns the host and port parts of the URL as socksymbol. If the port is missing in the URL, default_port is substituted. If the host is missing in the URL the exception Not_found is raised.
val split_path : string -> string list
Splits a '/'-separated path into components (e.g. to set up the path argument of make_url). E.g.
 split_path "a/b/c" = [ "a"; "b"; "c" ],
 split_path "/a/b"  = [ ""; "a"; "b" ],
 split_path "a/b/"  = [ "a"; "b"; "" ] 
Beware that split_path ".." returns [".."] while split_path "../" returns [".."; ""]. The two will behave differently, for example when used with Neturl.apply_relative_url.
val join_path : string list -> string
Concatenates the path components (reverse function of split_path).
val norm_path : string list -> string list
Removes "." and ".." from the path if possible. Deletes double slashes.


  • norm_path ["."] = []

    means: "." = ""

  • norm_path ["."; ""] = []

    means: "./" = ""

  • norm_path ["a"; "."] = ["a"; ""]

    means: "a/." = "a/"

  • norm_path ["a"; "b"; "."] = ["a"; "b"; ""]

    means: "a/b/." = "a/b/"

  • norm_path ["a"; "."; "b"; "."] = ["a"; "b"; ""]

    means: "a/./b/." = "a/b/"

  • norm_path [".."] = [".."; ""]

    means: ".." = "../"

  • norm_path [".."; ""] = [".."; ""]

    means: "../" = "../"

  • norm_path ["a"; "b"; ".."; "c" ] = ["a"; "c"]

    means: "a/b/../c" = "a/c"

  • norm_path ["a"; "b"; ".."; "c"; ""] = ["a"; "c"; ""]

    means: "a/b/../c/" = "a/c/"

  • norm_path ["";"";"a";"";"b"] = [""; "a"; "b"]

    means: "//a//b" = "/a/b"

  • norm_path ["a"; "b"; ""; ".."; "c"; ""] = ["a"; "c"; ""]

    means: "a/b//../c/" = "a/c/"

  • norm_path ["a"; ".."] = []

    means: "a/.." = ""

val apply_relative_url : url -> url -> url
apply_relative_url base rel: Interprets rel relative to base and returns the new URL. This function implements RFC 1808.

It is not necessary that rel has the same syntax as base. Note, however, that it is checked whether the resulting URL is syntactically correct with the syntax of base. If not, the exception Malformed_URL will be raised.

Examples (the URLs are represented as strings, see Neturl.split_path to split them for Neturl.make_url):

base="x/y", url="a/b" => result="x/a/b" base="x/y/", url="a/b" => result="x/y/a/b" base="x/y/..", url="a/b" => result="x/y/a/b" (beware!) base="x/y/../", url="a/b" => result="x/a/b"

val ensure_absolute_url : ?base:url -> url -> url
If the anonymous URL is absolute, it is just returned as result of this function. If the URL is relative, it is tried to make it absolute by resolving it relative to base. If there is no base or if the the base URL does not allow the parts that would be added (e.g. if the anonymous URL possesses a fragment and base does not allow that), this will fail, and the function raises Malformed_URL.
val file_url_of_local_path : ?getcwd:(unit -> string) -> string -> url
Generates a URL with "file" scheme from the passed path name. The URL is always absolute, i.e. the current directory is prepended if the path is not absolute.

Note that no character set conversions are performed.

Win32: The input path name may use forward or backward slashes. Absolute paths with drive letters and UNC paths are recognised. Relative paths with drive letters, however, are not recognised (e.g. "c:file"), as it is not possible to access the drive-specific working directory from the O'Caml runtime.

Cygwin: The input path name may use forward or backward slashes. Absolute paths with drive letters and UNC paths are recognised. The former are translated to "/cygdrive" names.

getcwd : The function returns the path taken as current working directory. Note that for Win32 this must be either an absolute name with drive letter, or an UNC path. Default: Sys.getcwd
val local_path_of_file_url : url -> string
Extracts the path from an absolute file URL, and returns a correct path name.

If the URL is not a file URL, or is not absolute, the function will fail.

Win32: The URL must either contain a drive letter, or must refer to another host.

Cygwin: Drive letters and remote URLs are recognised.

val print_url : url -> unit
Printer for the toploop.
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