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Module Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet

module ManagedSet: sig .. end

Manages a set of clients
type mset 
a managed set
type mset_policy = [ `Balance_load | `Failover ] 
Sets in which order managed clients are picked from the services array passed to create_mset:
  • `Failover: Picks an element from the first service in services that is enabled and has free capacity. That means that the first service is preferred until it is maxed out or it fails, then the second service is preferred, and so on.
  • `Balance_load: Picks an element from the service in services that is enabled and has the lowest load.

type mset_config = {
   mset_mclient_config : Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient_config; (*The mclient config*)
   mset_policy : mset_policy; (*The policy*)
   mset_pending_calls_max : int; (*When an mclient processes this number of calls at the same time, it is considered as fully busy. (Value must by > 0).*)
   mset_pending_calls_norm : int; (*When an mclient processes less than this number of calls, its load is considered as too light, and it is tried to put more load on this client before opening another one*)
   mset_idempotent_max : int; (*How often idempotent procedures may be tried to be called. A negative value means infinite.*)
   mset_idempotent_wait : float; (*Wait this number of seconds before trying again*)
exception Cluster_service_unavailable
Raised by mset_pick when no available endpoint can be found, or all available endpoints have reached their maximum load.
val create_mset_config : ?mclient_config:Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient_config ->
?policy:mset_policy ->
?pending_calls_max:int ->
?pending_calls_norm:int ->
?idempotent_max:int ->
?idempotent_wait:float -> unit -> mset_config
Create a config record. The optional arguments set the config components with the same name. The defaults are:
  • mclient_config: The default mclient config
  • policy: `Balance_load
  • pending_calls_max: max_int
  • pending_calls_norm: 1
  • idempotent_max: 3
  • idempotent_wait: 5.0

val create_mset : mset_config ->
(Rpc_client.connector * int) array ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> mset
create_mset config services: The mset is created with config, and the services array describes which ports are available, and how often each port may be contacted (i.e. max number of connections).
val mset_pick : ?from:int list ->
mset -> Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient * int
Pick an mclient for another call, or raise Cluster_service_unavailable. The returned int is the index in the mset_services array.

If from is given, not all specified mclients qualify for this call. In from one can pass a list of indexes pointing into the mset_services array, and only from these mclients the mclient is picked. For `Failover policies, the order given in from is respected, and the mclients are checked from left to right.

val mset_services : mset -> (Rpc_client.connector * int) array
Returns the service array
val mset_load : mset -> int array
Returns the number of pending calls per service
val event_system : mset -> Unixqueue.event_system
Return the event system
val shut_down : mset -> unit
val sync_shutdown : mset -> unit
val trigger_shutdown : mset -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
Shut down the managed set. See the corresponding functions Rpc_client.shut_down, Rpc_client.sync_shutdown, and Rpc_client.trigger_shutdown
val idempotent_async_call : ?from:int list ->
mset ->
(Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) ->
'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit
idempotent_async_call mset async_call arg emit: Picks a new mclient and calls async_call mclient arg emit. If the call leads to a fatal error, a new mclient is picked, and the call is repeated. In total, the call may be tried mset_idempotent_max times. It is recommended to set rcache_threshold to 1 when using this function because this enforces that a different mclient is picked when the first one fails.

Note that a timeout is not considered as a fatal error by default; one has to enable that by setting mclient_msg_timeout_is_fatal.

Note that this form of function is compatible with the generated foo'async functions of the language mapping.

from has the same meaning as in mset_pick.

val idempotent_sync_call : ?from:int list ->
mset ->
(Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient.mclient -> 'a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) ->
'a -> 'b
Synchronized version. Note that you have to pass an asynchronous function as second argument. The result is synchronous, however.
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