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Module Uq_transfer

module Uq_transfer: sig .. end

Transfer engines

Transfer engines

Transfer engines copy data between file descriptors. This kind of engine is likely to be declared as deprecated in the future. If possible, one should use multiplex controllers (see below), and for copying streams the generic copier Uq_io.copy_e is a better choice.

The pure types async_in_channel and async_out_channel have been proven to be useful for bridging with Netchannels.

class type async_out_channel = object .. end
An asynchrounous output channel provides methods to output data to a stream descriptor.
class type async_in_channel = object .. end
An asynchrounous input channel provides methods to input data from a stream descriptor.
class pseudo_async_out_channel : #Netchannels.raw_out_channel -> async_out_channel
Takes a Netchannels.raw_out_channel as an asynchronous channel.
class pseudo_async_in_channel : #Netchannels.raw_in_channel -> async_in_channel
Takes a Netchannels.raw_in_channel as an asynchronous channel.
class receiver : src:Unix.file_descr -> dst:#async_out_channel -> ?close_src:bool -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] Uq_engines.engine
This engine copies all data from the src file descriptor to the dst output channel.
class sender : src:#async_in_channel -> dst:Unix.file_descr -> ?close_src:bool -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] Uq_engines.engine
This engine copies all data from the src input channel to the dst file descriptor.
class type async_out_channel_engine = object .. end
Combination of engine + async_out_channel
class type async_in_channel_engine = object .. end
Combination of engine + async_in_channel
class output_async_descr : dst:Unix.file_descr -> ?buffer_size:int -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> async_out_channel_engine
This engine implements an async_out_channel for the output descriptor dst.
class input_async_descr : src:Unix.file_descr -> ?buffer_size:int -> ?close_src:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> async_in_channel_engine
The corresponding class for asynchronous input channels.
type copy_task = [ `Bidirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Tridirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Uni_socket of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Unidirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr ]
Specifies the task the copier class has to do:

  • `Unidirectional(src,dst): Data from src are copied to dst. EOF of src causes that both descriptors are closed.
  • `Uni_socket(src,dst): Data from src are copied to dst. EOF of src causes that dst is shut down for sending; all descriptors remain open. It is required that dst is a socket.
  • `Bidirectional(bi1,bi2): Data from bi1 are copied to bi2, and data from bi2 are copied to bi1. EOF of one descriptor causes that the other descriptor is shut down for sending. When both descriptors are at EOF, both are closed. It is required that bi1 and bi2 are sockets.
  • `Tridirectional(bi,dst,src): Data from bi are copied to dst, and data from src are copied to bi (i.e. a bidirectional descriptor is split up into two unidirectional descriptors). EOF of bi causes that dst is closed. EOF of src causes that bi is shut down for sending. EOF in both directions causes that all descriptors are closed. It is required that bi is a socket.

class copier : copy_task -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] Uq_engines.engine
This engine copies data between file descriptors as specified by the copy_task argument.
type onshutdown_out_spec = [ `Action of
async_out_channel_engine ->
Uq_engines.multiplex_controller -> unit Uq_engines.engine_state -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Initiate_shutdown ]
See class output_async_mplex for explanations
type onshutdown_in_spec = [ `Action of
async_in_channel_engine ->
Uq_engines.multiplex_controller -> unit Uq_engines.engine_state -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Initiate_shutdown ]
See class input_async_mplex for explanations
class output_async_mplex : ?onclose:[ `Ignore | `Write_eof ] -> ?onshutdown:onshutdown_out_spec -> ?buffer_size:int -> Uq_engines.multiplex_controller -> async_out_channel_engine
Creates an asynchronous output channel writing to the multiplex controller (see also output_async_descr for the corresponding class writing to a single descriptor).
class input_async_mplex : ?onshutdown:onshutdown_in_spec -> ?buffer_size:int -> Uq_engines.multiplex_controller -> async_in_channel_engine
Creates an asynchronous input channel reading from the multiplex controller.
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