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Module Netcgi_plex

module Netcgi_plex: sig .. end

Netplex support for FastCGI, SCGI and AJP connectors


val factory : ?config:Netcgi.config ->
?enable:[ `AJP | `FCGI | `SCGI ] list ->
?name:string ->
?output_type:Netcgi.output_type ->
?arg_store:Netcgi.arg_store ->
?exn_handler:Netcgi.exn_handler ->
?configure:(Netplex_types.config_file ->
Netplex_types.address -> Netplex_types.processor_hooks) ->
(Netplex_types.container -> Netcgi.cgi -> unit) ->
Reads a Netplex configuration section like
    processor {
      type = "netcgi";          (* or the overridden [name] *)
      timeout = 15;             (* optional *)
      mount_dir = "/url/path";  (* optional *)
      mount_at = "/url/path";   (* optional alternative to mount_dir *)

and creates a processor for the protocols "fcgi", "scgi", and "ajp" (or a subset of these protocols if the enable parameter restricts them). A complete service definition looks thus like:

      service {
          name = "name_of_service";
          protocol {
              name = "fcgi";        (* or "scgi" or "ajp" *)
              address {
                  type = "internet";
                  bind = "localhost:<port>";
          (* ... several protocol sections allowed! *)
          processor {
              type = "netcgi";
          workload_manager {
              type = "dynamic";
              max_jobs_per_thread = 1;  (* only reasonable value *)
              min_free_job_capacity = <n>;
              max_free_job_capacity = <n>;
              max_threads = <n>;

The processor calls the argument function of type container -> cgi -> unit for every incoming request.

The timeout parameter specifies when inactive connections are timed out (in seconds). The mount_dir and mount_at parameters define which part of the URL is considered as SCRIPT_NAME:

  • By default (if neither mount_dir nor mount_at) are given SCRIPT_NAME is determined in a protocol-dependent way. Usually, the server transmits SCRIPT_NAME, but see the note below.
  • If mount_dir is present, the processor accepts only URLs that have this path as true prefix directory, i.e. the URL path is <mount_dir>/<name><rest>. The part <mount_dir>/<name> is taken as SCRIPT_NAME.
  • If mount_at is present, the processor accepts only URLs that have this path as prefix, i.e. the URL path is <mount_at><rest>. <mount_at> is taken as SCRIPT_NAME.
The background is that SCRIPT_NAME is commonly used to distinghuish between different web actions of the netcgi application. The actions are simply names in a directory like /bin/<name> or /servlet/<name>. Not all web servers/protocols transmit good values for SCRIPT_NAME, however. By specifying mount_dir or mount_at one can force to interpret a certain prefix of the request URL as SCRIPT_NAME.

config : The Netcgi configuration to use, default is Netcgi.default_config
enable : Which protocols to support. Default is to support all protocols
name : Defines the name of the processor. Default is "netcgi".
output_type : Default: `Direct ""
arg_store : Default: `Automatic for all arguments.
exn_handler : See Netcgi.exn_handler. Default: delegate all exceptions to the default handler.
configure : Parameters are the netplex configuration file and the address of the processor section. The configure function can look for additional parameters. It returns service hooks that are added to the resulting processor.



The following functions create the processors directly
type mountpoint = [ `Mount_at of string | `Mount_dir of string ] 
val fcgi_processor : ?config:Netcgi.config ->
?output_type:Netcgi.output_type ->
?arg_store:Netcgi.arg_store ->
?exn_handler:Netcgi.exn_handler ->
?timeout:float ->
?mount:mountpoint ->
(Netplex_types.container -> Netcgi_fcgi.cgi -> unit) ->
val scgi_processor : ?config:Netcgi.config ->
?output_type:Netcgi.output_type ->
?arg_store:Netcgi.arg_store ->
?exn_handler:Netcgi.exn_handler ->
?timeout:float ->
?mount:mountpoint ->
(Netplex_types.container -> Netcgi.cgi -> unit) -> Netplex_types.processor
val ajp_processor : ?config:Netcgi.config ->
?output_type:Netcgi.output_type ->
?arg_store:Netcgi.arg_store ->
?exn_handler:Netcgi.exn_handler ->
?timeout:float ->
?mount:mountpoint ->
(Netplex_types.container -> Netcgi.cgi -> unit) -> Netplex_types.processor
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