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Module Rpc_portmapper

module Rpc_portmapper: sig .. end
Portmapper/RPCBIND interface

RPC programs are usually registered with a daemon that is known under two names: Portmapper or RPCBIND. The name Portmapper normally refers to version 2 of the registry, whereas RPCBIND refers to versions 3 and 4. Version 2 is limited to IPv4 whereas the newer versions also support IPv6 and Unix Domain sockets.

Recent Linux and BSD distributions deploy a version of RPCBIND that is a port of Sun's original RPCBIND software. Older distributions only support Portmapper.

Most of the following calls invoke Portmapper procedures only. The calls with the suffix _rpcbind first invoked RPCBIND procedures, and if there is no support for RPCBIND, these calls fall back to Portmapper (and limited functionality).

type t 
represents a client for the Portmapper/RPCBIND daemon
val create : ?esys:Unixqueue.event_system -> Rpc_client.connector -> t
Connects to the Portmapper/RPCBIND service listening on the given connector.
val create_inet : ?esys:Unixqueue.event_system -> string -> Rpc.protocol -> t
Connects to a Portmapper/RPCBIND listening on an Internet port. The argument is the hostname where the portmapper is running or its internet address. This function connects always to the port 111 on the given host; this is the standard for portmapper daemons.
val create_local : ?esys:Unixqueue.event_system -> unit -> t
Connects to the local Portmapper/RPCBIND daemon. Such a client must only be used for setting and unsetting entries.
val shut_down : t -> unit
Shuts down the connection
val null : t -> unit
Calls the 'NULL' procedure of the portmapper. This procedure has no effect. You can use 'null' to determine whether a procedure call is possible or not.
val null'async : t -> ((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> unit
val set : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> int -> bool
set pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol port_nr: Extends the mapping managed by the Portmapper: The triple (program_nr, version_nr, protocol) is mapped to the given port_nr. It is not allowed to overwrite an existing mapping. The procedure returns true if the mapping has been extended and false otherwise. Note that it usually only possible to set a mapping on the local host.
val set'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> int -> ((unit -> bool) -> unit) -> unit
val set_rpcbind : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> string -> string -> string -> bool
set_rpcbind pm_client program_nr version_nr netid uaddr owner:

Sets an RPCBIND mapping, and if RPCBIND is not supported, the corresponding Portmapper mapping so far possible (when netid is "tcp" or "udp").

The triple (program_nr, version_nr, netid) is mapped to (uaddr,owner). Netids can be:

  • "tcp" (only IPv4)
  • "tcp6"
  • "udp" (only IPv4)
  • "udp6"
  • "local"
For uaddr see RFC 5665 and Rpc.create_inet_uaddr, Rpc.parse_inet_uaddr.
val set_rpcbind'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
string -> string -> string -> ((unit -> bool) -> unit) -> unit
val unset : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> int -> bool
unset pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol port_nr: removes the mapping. The procedure returns true if the mapping has been removed and false otherwise. Note that it usually only possible to unset a mapping on the local host.
val unset'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> int -> ((unit -> bool) -> unit) -> unit
val unset_rpcbind : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> string -> string -> string -> bool
set_rpcbind pm_client program_nr version_nr netid uaddr owner.

Unsets an RPCBIND mapping, and if RPCBIND is not supported, the corresponding Portmapper mapping so far possible (when netid is "tcp" or "udp").

Note that it is unspecified what to do with uaddr and owner. These arguments appear in the formal specification but are not described in the RFC. It is probably best to pass empty strings.

You can call this function with netid="" to remove all entries for the pair (program_nr,version_nr).

val unset_rpcbind'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
string -> string -> string -> ((unit -> bool) -> unit) -> unit
val getport : t -> Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> int
getport pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol: finds out the port where the given service runs. Returns 0 if the service is not registered.
val getport'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Rpc.protocol -> ((unit -> int) -> unit) -> unit
val getaddr_rpcbind : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 -> Netnumber.uint4 -> string -> string -> string option
getaddr_rpcbind pm_client program_nr version_nr netid caller_uaddr:

Gets the uaddr for the triple (program_nr,version_nr,netid) (or "" if not found). You can pass netid="" to get the uaddr for the netid of the transport on which RPCBIND is invoked (e.g. if you call RPCBIND on TCP/IPv6 you get the uaddr for netid="tcp6").

Experimentation shows that the RPCBIND daemon on Linux does not correctly respond when netid is not the empty string. Because of this it is recommended to set netid always to the empty string.

You can pass the uaddr of the caller as caller_uaddr to get a more precise response. Normally set caller_uaddr="", though.

Falls back to Portmapper version 2 if RPCBIND isn't available. In this case you cannot retrieve IPv6 entries even if you contact Portmapper via IPv6.

val getaddr_rpcbind'async : t ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
Netnumber.uint4 ->
string -> string -> ((unit -> string option) -> unit) -> unit
val dump : t ->
(Netnumber.uint4 * Netnumber.uint4 * Rpc.protocol * int) list
returns the list of known mappings. The quadrupels have the meaning (program_nr, version_nr, protocol, port)
val dump'async : t ->
((unit -> (Netnumber.uint4 * Netnumber.uint4 * Rpc.protocol * int) list) ->
unit) ->
val port_of_program : Rpc_program.t -> string -> Rpc.protocol -> int
port_of_program program host protocol: queries the portmapper running on host for the program registered for protocol. Returns the port number or fails if the number is not known.
val sockaddr_of_program_rpcbind : Rpc_program.t -> string -> string -> Unix.sockaddr * Rpc.protocol
sockaddr_of_program program host netid: gets the sockaddr for this program.

Falls back to portmapper version 2 if rpcbind isn't available.

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