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Class type Netchannels.compl_out_channel

class type compl_out_channel = object .. end
Further methods usually supported by ocamlnet channel implementations. These methods are only reasonable when the channel is of blocking type, i.e. waits for output readiness when the underlying resource currently cannot process enough data. Implementations may choose to fail when they detect the channel is non-blocking.

method really_output : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
Writes exactly as many octets to the channel as the second int argument specifies. The octets are taken from the string position denoted by the first int argument.
method really_output_string : string -> int -> int -> unit
Same for strings
method output_char : char -> unit
Writes exactly one character
method output_bytes : Bytes.t -> unit
Writes exactly the passed string
method output_string : string -> unit
Writes exactly the passed string
method output_byte : int -> unit
Writes exactly one byte passed as integer code
method output_buffer : Buffer.t -> unit
Writes exactly the contents of the buffer
method output_channel : ?len:int -> in_obj_channel -> unit
Writes the contents of an in_obj_channel until the end of the input channel is reached.

len : If passed, at most this number of octets are read from the input channel and written to this channel.
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