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Module Netcgi_common.Cookie

module Cookie: sig .. end

type t = Nethttp.Cookie.t 
val make : ?max_age:int ->
?domain:string ->
?path:string ->
?secure:bool ->
?comment:string ->
?comment_url:string ->
?ports:int list -> string -> string -> t
val name : t -> string
val value : t -> string
val max_age : t -> int option

The expiration time of the cookie, in seconds. None means that the cookie will be discarded when the browser exits. This information is not returned by the browser.

val domain : t -> string option
val path : t -> string option
val secure : t -> bool

Tells whether the cookie is secure. This information is not returned by the browser.

val comment : t -> string

Returns the comment associated to the cookie or "" if it does not exists. This information is not returned by the browser.

val comment_url : t -> string

Returns the comment URL associated to the cookie or "" if it does not exists. This information is not returned by the browser.

val ports : t -> int list option
val set_value : t -> string -> unit
val set_max_age : t -> int option -> unit
val set_domain : t -> string option -> unit
val set_path : t -> string option -> unit
val set_secure : t -> bool -> unit
val set_comment : t -> string -> unit
val set_comment_url : t -> string -> unit
val set_ports : t -> int list option -> unit
val set : #Netmime.mime_header -> t list -> unit

set http_header cookies sets the cookies in http_header using version 0 or version 1 depending on whether version 1 fields are used. For better browser compatibility, if "Set-cookie2" (RFC 2965) is issued, then a "Set-cookie" precedes (declaring the same cookie with a limited number of options).

Deprecated name. Use Nethttp.Header.set_set_cookie_ct.

val get : #Netmime.mime_header -> t list

Decode the cookie header, may they be version 0 or 1.

Deprecated name. Use Nethttp.Header.get_cookie_ct.

val of_record : Nethttp.cookie -> t

Conversion from the deprecated style of cookie.

Deprecated name. Use Nethttp.Cookie.of_netscape_cookie.

val to_record : t -> Nethttp.cookie

Conversion to the deprecated style of cookie (some parameters are dropped).

Deprecated name. Use Nethttp.Cookie.to_netscape_cookie.

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