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Class type Nettls_support.tls_session_props

class type tls_session_props = object .. end

Direct access to TLS properties of a session

method id : string

The ID of the session (non-printable string)

method addressed_server : string option

The name of the server (for name-based virtual servers). This may be unavailable, because this information is exchanged via a TLS extension.

method cipher_suite_type : string

A string describing the authentication and privacy mechanism that is in effect:

  • "X509": X509 certificates are used
  • "OPENPGP": OpenPGP certificates are used
  • "ANON": anonymous credentials
  • "SRP": SRP credentials
  • "PSK": PSK credentials
method endpoint_credentials : credentials

Returns the decoded credentials of this endpoint

method endpoint_credentials_type : cred_type

The type of credentials

method endpoint_credentials_raw : raw_credentials

Returns the credentials in the raw form. For X509 certicates, this is the DER encoding

method peer_credentials : credentials

Returns the decoded peer credentials

method peer_credentials_type : cred_type

The type of credentials

method peer_credentials_raw : raw_credentials

Returns the peer credentials in the raw form. For X509 certicates, this is the DER encoding

method cipher_algo : string

The name of the algorithm for encrypting the data stream, e.g. "AES-128-CBC".

method kx_algo : string

The name of the key exchange algorithm, e.g. "RSA"

method mac_algo : string

The name of the data integrity algorithm (actually only the digest algorithm for HMAC), e.g. "SHA1"

method compression_algo : string

The name of the compression algorithm (or "NULL"), on the TLS layer. E.g. "DEFLATE".

method protocol : string

The name of the TLS protocol version, e.g. "TLS1.0"

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