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Class type Netx509.x509_certificate

class type x509_certificate = object .. end

An X.509 certificate in decoded form. The is only the public part, i.e. it includes only the various descriptive fields, the public key, and the signature by the issuer.

method subject : directory_name

The DN of the subject

method subject_unique_id : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value option

The unique ID of the subject

method issuer : directory_name

The DN of the issuer

method issuer_unique_id : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value option

The unique ID of the issuer

method version : int

The "version" field, 1 to 3

method serial_number : string

The "serialNumber" field

method valid_not_before : float

Activation time as seconds since the epoch ("notBefore" field)

method valid_not_after : float

Expiration time as seconds since the epoch ("notAfter" field)

method signature : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value

The signature

method signature_algorithm : oid * Netasn1.Value.value option

The algorithm of the signature (OID, and algorithm-specific parameters)

method public_key : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value

The subject's public key

method public_key_algorithm : oid * Netasn1.Value.value option

The algorithm of the public key (OID, and algorithm-specific parameters)

method extensions : (oid * string * bool) list

Extensions (version 3 certificates) as triples (oid, data, critical). OIDs can occur several times.

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