A | |
aggressive_cache [Nethttp_client_conncache] | This type of cache tries to keep connections as long open as possible. |
augment_raw_in_channel [Netchannels] | This class implements the methods from |
augment_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] | This class implements the methods from |
B | |
basic_auth_handler [Nethttp_client] | Basic authentication. |
basic_mime_header [Netmime] | An implementation of |
blocking_socket_config [Rpc_client] | blocking |
buffered_raw_in_channel [Netchannels] | This class adds a buffer to the underlying |
buffered_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] | This class adds a buffer to the underlying |
buffered_trans_channel [Netchannels] | A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented in memory |
buffering_engine_processing_config [Nethttpd_engine] | Implements the synchronisation by buffering |
C | |
cache [Uq_engines_compat] | |
cache [Uq_engines] |
call_engine [Shell_uq] | This engine corresponds to |
cgi [Netcgi_common] |
cgi_environment [Netcgi_common] |
client [Netpop] | The class |
client [Netsmtp] | |
connect [Netpop] |
connect [Netsmtp] |
conversion_pipe [Netconversion] | This pipeline class (see |
copier [Uq_engines_compat] | |
copier [Uq_transfer] | This engine copies data between file descriptors as specified by
the |
create_full_info [Nethttpd_types] | Creates a |
D | |
data_converter [Netftp_data_endpoint] | Creates a data conversion pipe converting |
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable] | This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe. |
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64] | This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe. |
default_socket_config [Rpc_server] | |
default_socket_config [Rpc_client] | Default configuration as class |
deflating_pipe [Netgzip] | A deflating (compressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters |
delay_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
delay_engine [Uq_engines] |
delegate_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
delegate_engine [Uq_engines] | Turns an engine value into a class |
delete [Nethttp_client] | Argument: URI |
delete_call [Nethttp_client] | |
digest_auth_handler [Nethttp_client] | Digest authentication. |
direct_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat] | |
direct_acceptor [Uq_server] | An implementation of |
direct_socket_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat] | |
E | |
empty_environment [Nethttpd_types] | This class implements an environment with defined internal containers. |
empty_fs [Netfs] | This is a class where all methods fail with |
empty_processor_hooks [Netplex_kit] | This is an empty set of processor hooks, i.e. |
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable] | This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe. |
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64] | This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe. |
engine_mixin [Uq_engines_compat] | |
engine_mixin [Uq_engines] | A useful class fragment that implements |
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines] | This engine transitions from its initial state |
F | |
file_mime_body [Netmime] | An implementation of |
fmap_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
fmap_engine [Uq_engines] | Similar to |
ftp_client [Netftp_client] | The ftp client is a user session that may even span several connections. |
ftp_data_receiver [Netftp_data_endpoint] | This engine receives data on a FTP data connection, and forwards them to a local receiver. |
ftp_data_sender [Netftp_data_endpoint] | This engine sends data over a FTP data connection coming from a local sender. |
ftp_fs [Netftp_fs] |
G | |
generic_auth_handler [Nethttp_client] | Authenticate with the passed generic HTTP mechanisms |
generic_call [Nethttp_client] | This class is an implementation of |
get [Nethttp_client] | Argument: URI |
get_call [Nethttp_client] | |
group [Netaddress] | A |
gtk_event_system [Uq_gtk] | This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems for the Glib event loop. |
H | |
head [Nethttp_client] | Argument: URI |
head_call [Nethttp_client] | |
http_engine [Nethttpd_engine] | This engine processes the requests arriving on the file descriptor using the Unix event system. |
http_environment [Nethttpd_reactor] | For private use only |
http_fs [Nethttp_fs] |
http_protocol [Nethttpd_kernel] | The core event loop of the HTTP daemon |
http_reactor [Nethttpd_reactor] | The |
http_response_impl [Nethttpd_kernel] | Exported for debugging and testing only |
I | |
in_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
inflating_pipe [Netgzip] | An inflating (uncompressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters |
input_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_async_descr [Uq_transfer] | The corresponding class for asynchronous input channels. |
input_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_async_mplex [Uq_transfer] | Creates an asynchronous input channel reading from the multiplex controller. |
input_bytes [Netchannels] | Same for constant bytes |
input_channel [Netchannels] | Creates an input channel from an |
input_command [Netchannels] | Runs the command with |
input_deflate [Netgzip] |
input_descr [Netchannels] | Creates a |
input_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_engine [Uq_engines] | Generic input engine for reading from a file descriptor:
input_filter [Netchannels] | An |
input_gzip [Netgzip] | A |
input_inflate [Netgzip] |
input_memory [Netchannels] | Same for constant memory |
input_stream [Netstream] | Make an |
input_string [Netchannels] | Creates an input channel from a (constant) string. |
J | |
job_engine [Shell_sys] | The |
K | |
key_ring [Nethttp_client] | The |
L | |
lift_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] | This class implements the methods from |
lift_rec_in_channel [Netchannels] | This class implements |
lift_rec_out_channel [Netchannels] | This class implements |
lingering_close [Nethttpd_kernel] | Closes a file descriptor using the "lingering close" algorithm. |
local_fsys [Netglob] | |
local_user_info [Netglob] | |
lwt_backend [Uq_lwt] | Adapter for turning an Ocamlnet |
M | |
mailbox [Netaddress] | A |
map_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
map_engine [Uq_engines] | The |
memory_mime_body [Netmime] | An implementation of |
meta_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
meta_engine [Uq_engines] | maps the final state |
mime_arg [Netcgi_common] | See |
mime_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
mime_argument [Netcgi] | Old deprecated MIME argument class. |
modify_http_engine_config [Nethttpd_engine] | Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments. |
modify_http_processor_config [Nethttpd_reactor] | Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments. |
modify_http_protocol_config [Nethttpd_kernel] | Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments |
modify_http_reactor_config [Nethttpd_reactor] | Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments. |
mp [Netplex_mp] | Uses |
msync_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
msync_engine [Uq_engines] | Multiple synchronization:
mt [Netplex_mt] | Uses |
O | |
of_stream_fs [Netglob] | |
options [Nethttp_client] | Argument: URI or "*" |
options_call [Nethttp_client] | |
out_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
output_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_async_descr [Uq_transfer] | This engine implements an |
output_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_async_mplex [Uq_transfer] | Creates an asynchronous output channel writing to the multiplex
controller (see also |
output_buffer [Netchannels] | This output channel writes the data into the passed buffer. |
output_channel [Netchannels] | Creates an output channel writing into an |
output_command [Netchannels] | Runs the command with |
output_deflate [Netgzip] |
output_descr [Netchannels] | Creates a |
output_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_engine [Uq_engines] | Generic output engine for writing to a file descriptor:
output_filter [Netchannels] | An |
output_gzip [Netgzip] | A |
output_inflate [Netgzip] |
output_netbuffer [Netchannels] | This output channel writes the data into the passed netbuffer. |
output_null [Netchannels] | This output channel discards all written data. |
P | |
performance_event_system [Unixqueue] | The implementation using |
pipe [Netchannels] | A |
pipeline [Nethttp_client] | A pipeline is a queue of HTTP calls to perform |
poll_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
poll_engine [Uq_engines] | This engine waits until one of the passed operations can be carried out, or until one of the operations times out. |
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines] | This class is deprecated! Use the classes in |
pollset_event_system [Unixqueue_pollset] | |
post [Nethttp_client] | Arguments: URI, parameter list to be transferred as application/x-www-form-urlencoded body |
post_call [Nethttp_client] | |
post_raw [Nethttp_client] | Arguments: URI, body |
prioritizer [Uq_engines_compat] | |
prioritizer [Uq_engines] | Creates a prioritizer |
processor_base [Netplex_kit] | A virtual (incomplete) base class for processors. |
processor_hooks_delegation [Netplex_kit] | Takes a hooks object, and makes a class of it. |
protocol_switch_factory [Netplex_kit] |
protocol_switch_processor [Netplex_kit] | The arg is a list of pairs |
proxy_client [Uq_socks5] | The object created by |
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_engines_compat] | |
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_transfer] | Takes a |
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_engines_compat] | |
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_transfer] | Takes a |
put [Nethttp_client] | Arguments: URI, body |
put_call [Nethttp_client] | |
Q | |
qseq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
qseq_engine [Uq_engines] | |
R | |
raw_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
raw_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
read_in_record_channel [Netftp_data_endpoint] | Provides an |
rec_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
rec_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
receiver [Uq_engines_compat] | |
receiver [Uq_transfer] | This engine copies all data from the |
redirected_environment [Nethttpd_types] | This class overlays the input-side containers of an existing environment. |
restrictive_cache [Nethttp_client_conncache] | A restrictive cache closes connections as soon as there are no pending requests. |
S | |
select_based_event_system [Unixqueue_select] | This the old |
sender [Uq_engines_compat] | |
sender [Uq_transfer] | This engine copies all data from the |
seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
seq_engine [Uq_engines] | This engine runs two engines in sequential order. |
serializer [Uq_engines_compat] | |
serializer [Uq_engines] | Creates a serializer |
shell_fs [Shell_fs] | |
signal_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
signal_engine [Uq_engines] |
simple_arg [Netcgi_common] | |
simple_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
simple_argument [Netcgi] | Old deprecated simple argument class. |
socket_descr [Netchannels] | Creates a |
standard_event_system [Unixqueue] | The standard implementation of an event system. |
std_activation [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines] |
sub_stream [Netstream] | A sub stream is the part of the whole stream from the current position
to an arbitrary other position that is determined by |
sync_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
sync_engine [Uq_engines] | This engine runs two engines in parallel, and waits until both
are |
T | |
tcl_event_system [Uq_tcl] | This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems for the TCL event loop. |
telnet_session [Nettelnet_client] | A telnet session |
tempfile_trans_channel [Netchannels] | A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented as temporary file |
template [Netcgi_modtpl] |
timeout_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
timeout_engine [Uq_engines] |
tls_endpoint [Netchannels_crypto] | This class is slightly more efficient than |
tls_layer [Netchannels_crypto] | Adds TLS security to an already established connection, here made available as separate channels for input and output. |
tls_socket_config [Rpc_server] | TLS configuration as class |
tls_socket_config [Rpc_client] | TLS configuration as class |
trace [Nethttp_client] | Arguments: URI, maximum number of hops |
trace_call [Nethttp_client] | |
U | |
unbound_async_call [Rpc_client] | Same as |
unified_auth_handler [Nethttp_client] | Support both digest and basic authentication, with preference to digest. |
unix_event_system [Unixqueue] | An alternate name for |
W | |
watchdog [Uq_engines_compat] | |
watchdog [Uq_engines] | A watchdog engine checks whether the argument engine makes
progress, and if there is no progress for the passed number of
seconds, the engine is aborted, and the watchdog state changes
to |
wrap_mime_body [Netmime] | Wraps the inner body |
wrap_mime_body_ro [Netmime] | Wraps the inner body but disallows modifications. |
wrap_mime_header [Netmime] | Wraps the inner header |
wrap_mime_header_ro [Netmime] | Wraps the inner header but disallows modifications. |
write_out_record_channel [Netftp_data_endpoint] | Provides an |
X | |
x509_certificate_from_ASN1 [Netx509] | Parses the passed ASN.1 value and returns the certificate object |
x509_certificate_from_DER [Netx509] | Parses the passed DER string and returns the certificate object |
x509_dn_from_ASN1 [Netx509] | Returns the DN object for a |
x509_dn_from_string [Netx509] | Returns the DN object for an RFC 4514-encoded string |