module Netmime_header:sig
MIME: Access methods for frequent standard fields.
These functions will raise Not_found
if the fields are not
Many HTTP-specific header functions can be found in Nethttp.Header
val get_content_length : #Netmime.mime_header_ro -> int
Returns the Content-length field as integer
val get_content_type : #Netmime.mime_header_ro -> string * (string * Netmime_string.s_param) list
Returns the Content-type as parsed value. The left value of the
pair is the main type, and the right value is the list of
parameters. For example, for the field value
"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
this method returns
("text/plain", ["charset", p])
where p
is an opaque value
with Netmime_string.param_value p = "utf-8"
val get_content_disposition : #Netmime.mime_header_ro -> string * (string * Netmime_string.s_param) list
Returns the Content-disposition field as parsed value. The
left value is the main disposition, and the right value is the
list of parameters. For example, for the field value
"attachment; filename=xy.dat"
this method returns
("attachment", ["filename", p])
where p
is an opaque value
with Netmime_string.param_value p = "xy.dat"
val get_content_transfer_encoding : #Netmime.mime_header_ro -> string
Returns the Content-transfer-encoding as string