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Class Netpop.client

class client : Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> object .. end

The class client implements the POP3 protocol. Client objects are created by

 new client in_ch out_ch 

where in_ch is an input channel representing the input direction of the TCP stream, and where out_ch is an output channel representing the output direction of the TCP stream.

method state : state

Current state of this session.

method capabilities : (string * string list) list

The result of the last capa command

method capa : unit -> (string * string list) list

Requests a list of capabilities (RFC 2449). Returns the empty list if capa is not understood.

method quit : unit -> unit

Requests the server to end this session. If the session is currently in the `Transaction state, the server will attempt to remove all messages marked as deleted before closing its side of the connection.

method close : unit -> unit

Closes the file descriptors

method user : user:string -> unit

Specifies the name of the mailbox the client would like to open using plain-text authentication. Normal completion of this function should be followed by the pass command.

method pass : pass:string -> unit

Authenticates a user with the plain-text password pass.

method apop : user:string -> pass:string -> unit

Specifies the user and password using APOP authentication. APOP is a more secure method of authentication than what is provided by the user/pass command sequence.

method auth : Netsys_sasl.sasl_mechanism ->
string ->
string -> Netsys_sasl.credentials -> (string * string * bool) list -> unit

auth mech user authz creds params: Performs a SASL authentication using the AUTH command (RFC 5034). See Netsys_sasl.Client.create_session for details about SASL.


client # auth
  (module Netmech_digest_sasl.DIGEST_MD5)
  [ "password", "sEcReT", [] ]
method stat : unit -> int * int * string

Returns information about the current mailbox as tuple (count,size,ext) where count is the number of messages in the mailbox, size is the size of the mailbox in octets, and ext is any server extension data.

method list : ?msgno:int -> unit -> (int, int * string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

Returns the scan listing for an optional message number or for all messages in the current mailbox. The result is a hash table that maps a message number to a tuple (size,ext) where size is the size of the message in octets, and ext is any server extension data.

method retr : msgno:int -> Netchannels.in_obj_channel

Retrieves a message from the server.

method dele : msgno:int -> unit

Marks the message number of the current mailbox for deletion.

method noop : unit -> unit

Pings the server to keep the session alive.

method rset : unit -> unit

Unmarks any messages that have previously been marked as deleted.

method top : ?lines:int -> msgno:int -> unit -> Netchannels.in_obj_channel

Returns the message header plus a limited number of lines of the message body. The default body length is 0 lines.

method uidl : ?msgno:int -> unit -> (int, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

Returns the unique identifier(s) for an optional message number or for all messages in the current mailbox. The result is a hash table that maps a message number to its unique id.

method stls : peer_name:string option -> Netsys_crypto_types.tls_config -> unit

Sends STLS (STARTTLS), and negotiates a secure connection. Raises Err_state if TLS is unavailable on the server.

STLS is specified in RFC 2595.

method tls_endpoint : Netsys_crypto_types.tls_endpoint option

Returns the TLS endpoint (after STARTTLS)

method tls_session_props : Nettls_support.tls_session_props option

Returns the TLS session properties (after STARTTLS)

method gssapi_props : Netsys_gssapi.client_props option

Returns GSSAPI properties, if available

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