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Module Netstring_tstring

module Netstring_tstring: sig .. end

Support module for tagged strings

type '_ tstring_kind = 
| String_kind : string tstring_kind
| Bytes_kind : Stdlib.Bytes.t tstring_kind
| Memory_kind : Netsys_types.memory tstring_kind

GADT for encoding the string type (string/bytes/bigarray)

type 't tstring_ops = {
   kind : 't tstring_kind option;
   length : 't -> int;
   get : 't -> int -> char;
   unsafe_get : 't -> int -> char;
   unsafe_get3 : 't -> int -> int; (*

get 3 chars packed into one int (first char shifted by 16 bits, second char shifted by 8 bits, third char unshifted)

   copy : 't -> 't;
   string : 't -> string; (*

if possible this function does not make a copy

   bytes : 't -> Stdlib.Bytes.t; (*

if possible this function does not make a copy

   sub : 't -> int -> int -> 't;
   substring : 't -> int -> int -> string;
   subbytes : 't -> int -> int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t;
   subpoly : 'u. 'u tstring_kind -> 't -> int -> int -> 'u;
   blit_to_bytes : 't -> int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit;
   blit_to_memory : 't -> int -> Netsys_types.memory -> int -> int -> unit;
   index_from : 't -> int -> char -> int;
   index_from3 : 't -> int -> int -> char -> char -> char -> int; (*

finds any of three chars. The second int is the search radius

   rindex_from : 't -> int -> char -> int;
   rindex_from3 : 't -> int -> int -> char -> char -> char -> int; (*

finds any of three chars. The second int is the search radius


Operations to call on strings

type tstring_ops_box = 
| Tstring_ops_box : 't tstring_kind * 't tstring_ops -> tstring_ops_box

GADT for hiding the type parameter

type tstring_box = 
| Tstring_box : 't tstring_kind * 't tstring_ops * 't -> tstring_box

GADT for hiding the type parameter

type tstring_polybox = 
| Tstring_polybox : 't tstring_ops * 't -> tstring_polybox

GADT for hiding the type parameter. Warning: This GADT does not permit you to recover the kind of string

val string_ops : string tstring_ops

Implementation of the operations for string

val bytes_ops : Stdlib.Bytes.t tstring_ops

Implementation of the operations for bytes

val memory_ops : Netsys_types.memory tstring_ops

Implementation of the operations for memory

val ops_of_tstring : Netsys_types.tstring -> tstring_ops_box

Create a Tstring_ops_box

type 'a with_fun = {
   with_fun : 's. 's tstring_ops -> 's -> 'a;

A polymorphic function for strings

val with_tstring : 'a with_fun -> Netsys_types.tstring -> 'a

with_tstring f ts: Calls f.with_fun with the right implementation of the tstring_ops argument

val length_tstring : Netsys_types.tstring -> int

Get the length of a tagged string

val tstring_of_tbuffer : Netsys_types.tbuffer -> Netsys_types.tstring

Get the tagged string of a tagged buffer

val polymorph_string_transformation : (string -> string) ->
's tstring_ops ->
't tstring_kind -> 's -> 't

polymorph_string_transformation f ops kind s: Converts s to a string, runs f on this string, and converts the result to the type demanded by kind

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