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Module Neturl_ldap

module Neturl_ldap: sig .. end

LDAP-specific URLs

This is an extension of Neturl for LDAP. Note that you can simply use Neturl.parse_url to parse LDAP URLs. Find useful accessor functions below to get LDAP-specific parts.

val ldap_url_dn : ?encoded:bool -> Neturl.url -> string
val ldap_url_attributes : ?encoded:bool -> Neturl.url -> string list
val ldap_url_scope : Neturl.url -> [ `Base | `One | `Sub ]
val ldap_url_filter : ?encoded:bool -> Neturl.url -> string
val ldap_url_extensions : ?encoded:bool -> Neturl.url -> (bool * string * string option) list

Return components of the URL. The functions return decoded strings unless encoded:true is set. If the component does not exist, the exception Not_found is raised. If the component cannot be parsed, Malformed_URL is raised.

val ldap_url_provides : ?dn:bool ->
?attributes:bool ->
?scope:bool -> ?filter:bool -> ?extensions:bool -> Neturl.url -> bool

Whether all the selected URL components are present and the accessor can return them (even if empty)

val make_ldap_url : ?encoded:bool ->
?host:string ->
?addr:Unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?socksymbol:Netsockaddr.socksymbol ->
?dn:string ->
?attributes:string list ->
?scope:[ `Base | `One | `Sub ] ->
?filter:string ->
?extensions:(bool * string * string option) list -> unit -> Neturl.url

Create an LDAP URL

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