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Class type Netftp_client.ftp_client_pi

class type ftp_client_pi = object .. end

The client protocol interpreter...

method exec_e : ?prelim:(ftp_state -> reply -> unit) ->
cmd ->
(ftp_state * reply) Uq_engines.engine

Run another command as engine. The command is first started when the previous command has terminated. The protocol interpreter does not check whether this command is allowed in the current ftp_state or not.

When the command is done, the engine transitions to `Done(st,r) where st is the state after the command, and r is the final reply of the server.

Due to the FTP specification there may be several replies for a command: First, zero or more replies with cmd_state = `Preliminary, and then exactly one reply with a final state. The preliminary replies can be intercepted with the prelim callback.

method send_abort : unit -> unit

Sends immediately an ABOR command, even when a data transfer is in progress.

TODO - not yet implemented

method run : unit -> unit

Starts the event system; same as

method ftp_state : ftp_state

Returns the current ftp_state

method state : unit Uq_engines.engine_state

The state in the sense of Uq_engines. Possible values are:

  • `Working _: The control connection is still active. The int argument is currently meaningless.
  • `Done(): The control connection has been terminated.
  • `Error e: A violation of the FTP protocol happened, or another exception e occurred
  • `Aborted: The abort method was called
method abort : unit -> unit

Shuts any active connection immediately down, and changes the state of the engine to `Aborted.

method event_system : Unixqueue.event_system

The used event system

method request_notification : (unit -> bool) -> unit
method request_proxy_notification : (unit Uq_engines.engine -> bool) -> unit
method is_empty : bool

Whether the queue is empty

method need_ip6 : bool

Whether `EPSV or `EPRT are required instead of `PASV and `PORT, respectively. This is first set after connecting to a server (i.e. when the IP address family is known). Before, it is always false.

method gssapi_props : Netsys_gssapi.client_props option

GSSAPI props if GSSAPI security is negotiated

Feature tests

The following methods are first set when the `FEAT command is run. Use feat_method to do so. Until then, always false is returned.

method supports_tvfs : bool

Whether TVFS filenames are supported

method supports_mdtm : bool

Whether the `MDTM command is supported. Note that `MDTM is sometimes even supported even if the server does not provide the `FEAT command to test for this feature.

method supports_size : bool

Whether the `SIZE command is supported. Note that `SIZE is sometimes even supported even if the server does not provide the `FEAT command to test for this feature.

method supports_mlst : bool

Whether the `MLST and `MLSD commands are supported

method mlst_facts : string list

All available facts for `MLST and `MLSD

method mlst_enabled_facts : string list

The enabled facts for `MLST and `MLSD

method supports_utf8 : bool

Whether the UTF-8 extension is understood by the server (RFC 2640)

method supports_tls : bool

Whether TLS is supported

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