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Class Nethttpd_reactor.modify_http_reactor_config

class modify_http_reactor_config : ?modify_http_protocol_config:Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config -> Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config -> ?modify_http_processor_config:http_processor_config ->
http_processor_config -> ?config_reactor_synch:[ `Close | `Connection | `Flush | `Write ] -> http_reactor_config ->

Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments.

modify_http_protocol_config and modify_http_processor_config: These functions can be used to modify the parts of the config object that are inherited from http_protocol_config and http_processor_config, respectively: For example:

        let new_cfg =
          new modify_http_reactor_config
               (new Nethttpd_kernel.modify_http_protocol_config
               (new Nethttpd_reactor.modify_http_processor_config

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