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Module type Netmech_spnego_http.PROFILE

module type PROFILE = sig .. end

val acceptable_transports_http : Nethttp.transport_layer_id list

Which transport IDs are acceptable for authenticated requests on unencrypted connections. For new requests, the first ID of this list is the preferred ID.

val acceptable_transports_https : Nethttp.transport_layer_id list

Which transport IDs are acceptable for authenticated requests on HTTPS-secured connections. For new requests, the first ID of this list is the preferred ID.

val enable_delegation : bool

Whether to allow delegation of the credentials to the server. Enabling this means that the server can impersonate the local identity, so use with care. Also, getting tokens carrying the delegation information can be time-consuming (and the HTTP client will simply block while doing so).

val deleg_credential : exn option

If you already have a credential, you can set this value to the exception Credential c (from the GSSAPI provider).

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