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Module Netulex.Ulexing

module Ulexing: sig .. end

This is a lexing buffer for ulex.

type lexbuf 
exception Error

Lexical error

val from_ulb_lexbuf : Netulex.ULB.unicode_lexbuf -> lexbuf

Creates a new lexbuf from the unicode_lexbuf. After that, the unicode_lexbuf must no longer be modified.

val lexeme_start : lexbuf -> int

The character position of the start of the lexeme

val lexeme_end : lexbuf -> int

The character position of the end of the lexeme

val lexeme_length : lexbuf -> int

The length of the lexeme in characters

val lexeme : lexbuf -> int array

Returns the lexeme as array of Unicode code points

val lexeme_char : lexbuf -> int -> int

Returns the code point of a certain character of the lexeme

val sub_lexeme : lexbuf -> int -> int -> int array

Returns a substring of the lexeme as array of Unicode code points. The first int is the characater position where to start, the second int is the number of characters.

val utf8_lexeme : lexbuf -> string

Returns the lexeme as UTF-8 encoded string

val utf8_sub_lexeme : lexbuf -> int -> int -> string

Returns a substring of the lexeme as UTF-8 encoded string. The first int is the characater position where to start, the second int is the number of characters.

val utf8_sub_lexeme_length : lexbuf -> int -> int -> int

Same as String.length(utf8_sub_lexeme args), i.e. returns the number of bytes a certain sub lexeme will have when encoded as UTF-8 string.

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