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Class type Netxdr_mstring.mstring

class type mstring = object .. end

The object holding the string value

method length : int

The length of the managed string

method blit_to_bytes : int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit

blit_to_bytes mpos s spos len: Copies the substring of the managed string from mpos to mpos+len-1 to the substring of s from spos to spos+len-1

method blit_to_string : int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
method blit_to_memory : int -> Netsys_mem.memory -> int -> int -> unit

blit_to_string mpos mem mempos len: Copies the substring of the managed string from mpos to mpos+len-1 to the substring of mem from mempos to mempos+len-1

method as_bytes : Stdlib.Bytes.t * int

Returns the contents as bytes. It is undefined whether the returned string is a copy or the underlying buffer. The int is the position where the contents start

method as_string : string * int

Returns the contents as string (this is always a copy)

method as_memory : Netsys_mem.memory * int

Returns the contents as memory. It is undefined whether the returned memory is a copy or the underlying buffer. The int is the position where the contents start

method preferred : [ `Bytes | `Memory ]

Whether as_memory or as_bytes is cheaper

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