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Module Nn_db

module Nn_db: sig .. end
Namenode access routines to database

class type ro_transaction = object .. end
class type transaction = object .. end
type inodeinfo = Pfs_rpcapi_aux.inodeinfo 
val init : Pfs_db.db_config -> Unixqueue.event_system -> unit
The esys is used for ro transactions
val ro_esys : unit -> Unixqueue.event_system
Returns the esys for ro transactions
val commit_all_prepared_transactions : unit -> unit
Commits all prepared transactions at system startup
val transact : Unixqueue.event_system -> transaction
Finds an unused connection, and start a transaction
val ro_transact : unit -> ro_transaction Uq_engines.engine
Same for read-only transactions. Note that this is an engine: If the number of connections has reached the limit, it is waited until an existing connection becomes unused.
val with_ro_trans : (Pfs_db.ro_async_connection -> Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a Uq_engines.engine) ->
'a Uq_engines.engine
with_ro_trans f: Runs e = f conn esys for a shared read-only transaction and returns e
val datastore_list_e : Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> Nn_datastores.datastore list Uq_engines.engine
Gets a list of all datastores
val datastore_list_ro_e : unit -> Nn_datastores.datastore list Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val datastore_find_e : identity:string ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> Nn_datastores.datastore option Uq_engines.engine
Find a datastore by identity
val datastore_find_ro_e : identity:string -> Nn_datastores.datastore option Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val datastore_upd_e : id:int ->
identity:string ->
size:int64 ->
enabled:bool ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Updates the datastore table. If the record is new, it is added.

The blockalloc table is updated, too: For new stores, the rows are added. If the size of the existing store is increased, further rows are added.

It is an error to decrease the size.

val datastore_del_e : id:int ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Deletes the datastore with this ID and all rows referencing it
val revision_get_e : Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> string Uq_engines.engine
Get the revision string
val revision_get_ro_e : unit -> string Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val revision_upd_e : revstr:string ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Updates the revision string
val blockalloc_list_e : datastore:int ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> (int64 * string) list Uq_engines.engine
Reads the blockalloc table for this datastore ID. Returns the table as pairs (blkidx,blkmap)
val blockalloc_list_ro_e : datastore:int -> (int64 * string) list Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val blockalloc_upd_e : datastore:int ->
blkidx:int64 ->
blkmap:string ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Updates the blockalloc table
val inode_listall_e : Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> int64 list Uq_engines.engine
list all inode numbers
val inode_get_e : id:int64 ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> inodeinfo option Uq_engines.engine
Loads the inode data if existing
val inode_get_ro_e : id:int64 -> inodeinfo option Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val inode_maxid_e : Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> int64 Uq_engines.engine
Returns the max ID
val inode_maxid_ro_e : unit -> int64 Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val inode_ins_e : id:int64 ->
inodeinfo ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Inserts a new row into inode
val inode_upd_e : id:int64 ->
inodeinfo ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Updates a row in inode. filetype cannot be updated, and changes are silently ignored.
val inode_upd_time_e : id:int64 ->
mtime:Pfs_rpcapi_aux.time option ->
ctime:Pfs_rpcapi_aux.time option ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Sets the mtime and/or ctime. It is not an error if the inodes does not exist anymore.
val inode_del_e : id:int64 ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Deletes a row from inode
val inodeblocks_get_e : inode:int64 ->
blkidx:int64 ->
len:int64 ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> Pfs_rpcapi_aux.blockinfo list Uq_engines.engine
Gets the block information for inode in the range from index blkidx to blkidx+len-1.
val inodeblocks_get_ro_e : inode:int64 ->
blkidx:int64 -> len:int64 -> Pfs_rpcapi_aux.blockinfo list Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val inodeblocks_getall_e : inode:int64 ->
dsid:int ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> (int64 * int64) list Uq_engines.engine
Returns list of (blkidx,block) for this inode and this datastore dsid (for fsck)
val inodeblocks_del_e : inode:int64 ->
blkidx:int64 ->
len:int64 ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Delete the blocks for inode in the range from index blkidx to blkidx+len-1.
val inodeblocks_ins_e : inode:int64 ->
Pfs_rpcapi_aux.blockinfo list ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Insert these blocks
val names_get_e : name:string ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> int64 option Uq_engines.engine
Look up inode by name
val names_get_ro_e : name:string -> int64 option Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val names_rev_get_e : inode:int64 ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> string list Uq_engines.engine
Look up names by inode
val names_rev_get_ro_e : inode:int64 -> string list Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val names_count_e : inode:int64 ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection -> Unixqueue.event_system -> int Uq_engines.engine
Count names of an inode
val names_count_ro_e : inode:int64 -> int Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val names_list_e : name:string ->
Pfs_db.ro_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> (string * int64) list Uq_engines.engine
Return the name particles p for all names n in the database so that n = name ^ "/" ^ p ^ rest. The particle p does not contain a slash and is non-empty. rest is either empty or starts with a slash.

If name="/" the function behaves as if name="".

Now also returns for every particle the inode number.

val names_list_ro_e : name:string -> (string * int64) list Uq_engines.engine
same, using an ro transaction
val names_ins_e : name:string ->
inode:int64 ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Insert this name to inode mapping
val names_del_e : name:string ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Delete this name

Two-phase commit support

type modification = [ `Blockalloc_upd of int * int64 * string
| `Datastore_del of int
| `Datastore_upd of int * string * int64 * bool
| `Inode_del of int64
| `Inode_ins of int64 * inodeinfo
| `Inode_upd of int64 * inodeinfo
| `Inode_upd_time of
int64 * Pfs_rpcapi_aux.time option * Pfs_rpcapi_aux.time option
| `Inodeblocks_del of int64 * int64 * int64
| `Inodeblocks_ins of int64 * Pfs_rpcapi_aux.blockinfo list
| `Names_del of string
| `Names_ins of string * int64
| `Revision_upd of string ]
Database modification operations that are covered by the 2-phase commit protocol. The names of the operations correspond to those in Nn_db and Nn_slave.
val exec_e : modification ->
Pfs_db.rw_async_connection ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Performs the passed modification
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