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Class type Mapred_config.mapred_config

class type mapred_config = object .. end

method nn_clustername : string
The clustername
method nn_nodes : string list
The name nodes in "host:port" syntax
method mr_task_nodes : string list
Task nodes (only hostname)
method mr_task_port : int
The port number
method mr_task_tmpdir : string
A directory where to put executables, logs, etc.
method mr_task_load_limit : float
Load limit per task server (in number of tasks). Should be set to a small multiple of the number of cores.
method mr_shm_low : int64
Low watermark for shared memory. If shm consumption drops below this value shm is no longer considered as scarce resource. Good value: 1/4 of available shm (usually 1/8 of total RAM)
method mr_shm_high : int64
High watermark for shared memory. If shm consumption is above this value shm is considered as scarce resource. Good value: 3/4 of available shm (usually 3/8 of total RAM)
method mr_buffer_size : int
The normal size of I/O buffers. E.g. 64M
method mr_buffer_size_tight : int
The size of I/O buffers when RAM is tight. E.g. 16M
method mr_sort_size : int
The size of the buffers for sorting. E.g. 128M
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