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Module Mapred_sorters

module Mapred_sorters: sig .. end
Sorter classes

val null_sorter : Mapred_def.mapred_env ->
Mapred_def.mapred_job_config -> float -> Mapred_def.sorter
This "sorter" just copies the input unmodified to the output
val generic_sorter : hash:(string -> int -> int -> int) ->
cmp:(string -> int -> int -> string -> int -> int -> int) ->
Mapred_def.mapred_env ->
Mapred_def.mapred_job_config -> float -> Mapred_def.sorter
The sorter orders the records first by the hash of the key. If two hashes are equal, the keys are directly compared.

The functions hash, and cmp are defined as for Mapred_def.sorter.

module Grouped: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module String_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module String_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Integer_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Integer_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Hex_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Hex_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Float_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Float_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Int64_xdr_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Int64_xdr_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Float_xdr_asc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
module Float_xdr_desc: sig .. end
Exports a hash and cmp function for Mapred_sorters.generic_sorter.
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