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Class type Mapred_taskfiles.taskfile_manager

class type taskfile_manager = object .. end

method local_directory : string
The directory path on the task nodes for files that are needed by tasks
method log_directory : string
The directory path on the task nodes where the tasks can put files, and these files are finally copied to PlasmaFS
method copy_to_local_directory : string list -> unit
Copies the mentioned file to the task nodes, and places them into the local_directory. The local_directory is created if missing. This method can be invoked on any node.
method delete_local_directory : unit -> unit
Deletes the local directory on the task nodes. This method can be invoked on any node.
method task_save_log_directory : Mapred_fs.filesystem -> string list -> unit
Copies these files of the log directory into PlasmaFS. The source files are deleted. The PlasmaFS name is prefixed with the hostname (i.e. log_dir ^ "/" hostname ^ "_" ^ filename). This method must be invoked on the task node.
method task_files_log_directory : unit -> string list
Returns the files that are still in the log directory
method task_delete_log_directory : unit -> unit
Deletes the entire log directory. This method must be invoked on the task node.
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