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Module Mapred_split

module Mapred_split: sig .. end
Splits a line into key and value. The separator is the first TAB character.

val tab_split : string -> string * string
Splits a line into key and value. The separator is the first TAB character.
val tab_split_key : string -> string
Same as fst (tab_split_key s)
val tab_split_key_range : string -> int * int
Returns only the range of the key
val tab2_split : string -> string * int * string
Splits a line into (key, partition, value). Separators are the first and second TAB characters
val tab2_split_key : string -> string
Same as let (key,_,_) = tab2_split s in key
val tab2_split_key_range : string -> int * int
Returns only the range of the key
val tab2_split_key_partition : string -> string * int
Same as let (key,p,_) = tab2_split s in (key,p)
val tab2_split_key_partition_range : string -> int * int
Returns the range of the key and the partition
val tab2_get_partition : string -> int
Returns the partition of a string "<key> TAB <partition>"
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