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Chapter 3. The objects representing the document

This description might be out-of-date. See the module interface files for updated information.

3.1. The document class

class [ 'ext ] document :
  Pxp_types.collect_warnings -> 
    method init_xml_version : string -> unit
    method init_root : 'ext node -> unit

    method xml_version : string
    method xml_standalone : bool
    method dtd : dtd
    method root : 'ext node

    method encoding : Pxp_types.rep_encoding

    method add_pinstr : proc_instruction -> unit
    method pinstr : string -> proc_instruction list
    method pinstr_names : string list

    method write : Pxp_types.output_stream -> Pxp_types.encoding -> unit

The methods beginning with init_ are only for internal use of the parser.

  • xml_version: returns the version string at the beginning of the document. For example, "1.0" is returned if the document begins with <?xml version="1.0"?>.

  • xml_standalone: returns the boolean value of standalone declaration in the XML declaration. If the standalone attribute is missing, false is returned.

  • dtd: returns a reference to the global DTD object.

  • root: returns a reference to the root element.

  • encoding: returns the internal encoding of the document. This means that all strings of which the document consists are encoded in this character set.

  • pinstr: returns the processing instructions outside the DTD and outside the root element. The argument passed to the method names a target, and the method returns all instructions with this target. The target is the first word inside <? and ?>.

  • pinstr_names: returns the names of the processing instructions

  • add_pinstr: adds another processing instruction. This method is used by the parser itself to enter the instructions returned by pinstr, but you can also enter additional instructions.

  • write: writes the document to the passed stream as XML text using the passed (external) encoding. The generated text is always valid XML and can be parsed by PXP; however, the text is badly formatted (this is not a pretty printer).

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