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Module Pxp_core_types.I

module I: S 
An implementation of S.

User code must not refer directly to this module! The definitions are all also available in Pxp_types, and can be used from there!

module StringMap: Map.S  with type key = string
For maps with string keys


type ext_id = Pxp_core_types.A.ext_id = 
| System of string
| Public of (string * string)
| Anonymous
| Private of private_id
External identifiers are names for documents. A System identifier is a URL. PXP (without extensions) only supports file URLs in the form file:///directory/directory/.../file. Note that the percent encoding (% plus two hex digits) is supported in file URLs. A public identifier can be looked up in a catalog to find a local copy of the file; this type is mostly used for well-known documents (e.g. after standardization). A public identifier can be accompanied by a system identifier (Public(pubid,sysid)), but the system identifier can be the empty string. The value Anonymous should not be used to identify a real document; it is more thought as a placeholder when an ID is not yet known. Private identifiers are used by PXP internally. These identifiers have, unlike system or public IDs, no textual counterparts.

The identifiers are encoded as UTF-8 strings.

type private_id = Pxp_core_types.A.private_id 
A private ID is an opaque identifier
val allocate_private_id : unit -> private_id
Get a new unique private ID
type resolver_id = Pxp_core_types.A.resolver_id = {
   rid_private : private_id option;
   rid_public : string option;
   rid_system : string option;
   rid_system_base : string option;
A resolver ID is a version of external identifiers used during resolving (i.e. the process of mapping the identifier to a real resource). The same entity can have several names during resolving: one private ID, one public ID, and one system ID. For resolving system IDs, the base URL is also remembered (usually the system ID of the opener of the entity).
val resolver_id_of_ext_id : ext_id -> resolver_id
The standard way of converting an ext_id into a resolver ID. A System ID is turned into a resolver_id where only rid_system is set. A Public ID is turned into a resolver_id where both rid_public and rid_system are set. A Private ID is turned into a resolver_id where only rid_private is set. An Anonymous ID is turned into a resolver_id without any value (all components are None).
type dtd_id = Pxp_core_types.A.dtd_id = 
| External of ext_id (*DTD is completely external*)
| Derived of ext_id (*DTD is derived from an external DTD*)
| Internal (*DTD is completely internal*)
Identifier for DTDs

Content models (in DTDs)

type content_model_type = Pxp_core_types.A.content_model_type = 
| Unspecified (*A specification of the model has not yet been found*)
| Empty (*Nothing is allowed as content*)
| Any (*Everything is allowed as content*)
| Mixed of mixed_spec list (*The contents consist of elements and PCDATA in arbitrary order. What is allowed in particular is given as mixed_spec.*)
| Regexp of regexp_spec (*The contents are elements following this regular expression*)
Element declaration in a DTD
type mixed_spec = Pxp_core_types.A.mixed_spec = 
| MPCDATA (*PCDATA children are allowed*)
| MChild of string (*This kind of Element is allowed*)
Children of an element in "mixed"-style declaration
type regexp_spec = Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec = 
| Optional of regexp_spec (*subexpression?*)
| Repeated of regexp_spec (*subexpression**)
| Repeated1 of regexp_spec (*subexpression+*)
| Alt of regexp_spec list (*subexpr1 | subexpr2 | ... | subexprN*)
| Seq of regexp_spec list (*subexpr1 , subexpr2 , ... , subexprN*)
| Child of string (*This kind of Element is allowed here*)
Children of an element in a regexp-style declaration
type att_type = Pxp_core_types.A.att_type = 
| A_cdata (*CDATA*)
| A_id (*ID*)
| A_idref (*IDREF*)
| A_idrefs (*IDREFS*)
| A_entity (*ENTITY*)
| A_entities (*ENTITIES*)
| A_nmtoken (*NMTOKEN*)
| A_nmtokens (*NMTOKENS*)
| A_notation of string list (*NOTATION (name1 | name2 | ... | nameN)*)
| A_enum of string list (*(name1 | name2 | ... | nameN)*)
Attribute declaration in a DTD
type att_default = Pxp_core_types.A.att_default = 
| D_required (*#REQUIRED*)
| D_implied (*#IMPLIED*)
| D_default of string (*a value default -- the value is already expanded*)
| D_fixed of string (*FIXED value default -- the value is already expanded*)
Default value of an attribute

Attribute value

type att_value = Pxp_core_types.A.att_value = 
| Value of string
| Valuelist of string list
| Implied_value
Enumerates the possible values of an attribute:
  • Value s: The attribute is declared as a non-list type, or the attribute is undeclared; and the attribute is either defined with value "s", or it is missing but has the default value s.
  • [Valuelist [s1;...;sk]]: The attribute is declared as a list type, and the attribute is either defined with value "s1 ... sk" (space-separated words), or it is missing but has the default value "s1 ... sk".
  • Implied_value: The attribute is declared without default value, and there is no definition for the attribute.


class type collect_warnings = object .. end
This object is sometimes used for outputting user warnings
class drop_warnings : collect_warnings
Drop any warnings
type warning = [ `W_XML_version_not_supported of string
| `W_code_point_cannot_be_represented of int
| `W_element_mentioned_but_not_declared of string
| `W_entity_declared_twice of string
| `W_multiple_ATTLIST_declarations of string
| `W_multiple_attribute_declarations of string * string
| `W_name_is_reserved_for_extensions of string ]
Kinds of warnings
class type symbolic_warnings = object .. end
This object is sometimes used for outputting user warnings
val string_of_warning : warning -> string
Turn the warning into a human-readable message
val warn : symbolic_warnings option ->
collect_warnings -> warning -> unit
Send a warning to the symbolic_warnings object, and then to the collect_warnings object.


type encoding = Netconversion.encoding 
For the representation of external resources (files etc.) we accept all encodings for character sets which are defined in Netconversion (package netstring).
type rep_encoding = [ `Enc_cp1006
| `Enc_cp437
| `Enc_cp737
| `Enc_cp775
| `Enc_cp850
| `Enc_cp852
| `Enc_cp855
| `Enc_cp856
| `Enc_cp857
| `Enc_cp860
| `Enc_cp861
| `Enc_cp862
| `Enc_cp863
| `Enc_cp864
| `Enc_cp865
| `Enc_cp866
| `Enc_cp869
| `Enc_cp874
| `Enc_iso88591
| `Enc_iso885910
| `Enc_iso885913
| `Enc_iso885914
| `Enc_iso885915
| `Enc_iso885916
| `Enc_iso88592
| `Enc_iso88593
| `Enc_iso88594
| `Enc_iso88595
| `Enc_iso88596
| `Enc_iso88597
| `Enc_iso88598
| `Enc_iso88599
| `Enc_koi8r
| `Enc_macroman
| `Enc_usascii
| `Enc_utf8
| `Enc_windows1250
| `Enc_windows1251
| `Enc_windows1252
| `Enc_windows1253
| `Enc_windows1254
| `Enc_windows1255
| `Enc_windows1256
| `Enc_windows1257
| `Enc_windows1258 ]
The subset of encoding that may be used for the internal representation of strings. The common property of the following encodings is that they are ASCII-compatible - the PXP code relies on that.


exception Validation_error of string
Violation of a validity constraint
exception WF_error of string
Violation of a well-formedness constraint
exception Namespace_error of string
Violation of a namespace constraint
exception Error of string
Other error
exception Character_not_supported
exception At of (string * exn)
The string is a description where the exn happened. The exn value can again be At(_,_) (for example, when an entity within an entity causes the error).
exception Undeclared
Indicates that no declaration is available and because of this every kind of usage is allowed. (Raised by some DTD methods.)
exception Method_not_applicable of string
Indicates that a method has been called that is not applicable for the class. The argument is the name of the method.
exception Namespace_method_not_applicable of string
Indicates that the called method is a namespace method but that the object does not support namespaces. The argument is the name of the method.
exception Not_competent
The resolver cannot open this kind of entity ID
exception Not_resolvable of exn
While opening the entity, the nested exception occurred
exception Namespace_not_managed of string
A namespace URI is used but not declared in the namespace manager. The string argument is the URI in question.
exception Namespace_prefix_not_managed of string
A namespace prefix is used but not declared in the namespace manager. The string argument is the prefix in question.
exception Namespace_not_in_scope of string
The namespace scope does not know the URI
val string_of_exn : exn -> string
Converts a PXP exception into a readable string

Output destination

type output_stream = [ `Out_buffer of Buffer.t
| `Out_channel of Pervasives.out_channel
| `Out_function of string -> int -> int -> unit
| `Out_netchannel of Netchannels.out_obj_channel ]
Designates an output destination for several printers:
  • `Out_buffer b: Output to buffer b
  • `Out_channel ch: Output to channel ch
  • `Out_function f: Output to function f. The function f is used like Pervasives.output_string.
  • `Out_netchannel n: Output to the ocamlnet channel n

val write : output_stream -> string -> int -> int -> unit
write os s pos len: Writes the string (portion) to the buffer/channel/stream


type pool = Pxp_core_types.A.pool 
A pool designates a way to increase string sharing
val make_probabilistic_pool : ?fraction:float -> int -> pool
A probalistic string pool tries to map strings to pool strings in order to make it more likely that equal strings are stored in the same memory block. The int argument is the size of the pool; this is the number of entries of the pool. However, not all entries of the pool are used; the fraction argument (default: 0.3) determines the fraction of the actually used entries. The higher the fraction is, the more strings can be managed at the same time; the lower the fraction is, the more likely it is that a new string can be added to the pool.
val pool_string : pool -> string -> string
Tries to find the passed string in the pool; if the string is in the pool, the pool string is returned. Otherwise, the function tries to add the passed string to the pool, and the passed string is returned.
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