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Module Pxp_core_types.A

module A: sig .. end
This is the type anchor

For documentation, see Pxp_core_types.S. This module defines some of the types mentioned in this module type.

User code must not refer directly to this module! The definitions are all also available in Pxp_types, and can be used from there!

module StringMap: Map.S  with type key = string

type ext_id =
| System of string
| Public of (string * string)
| Anonymous
| Private of private_id
type private_id 

type resolver_id = {
   rid_private : private_id option;
   rid_public : string option;
   rid_system : string option;
   rid_system_base : string option;
type dtd_id =
| External of ext_id
| Derived of ext_id
| Internal

type content_model_type =
| Unspecified
| Empty
| Any
| Mixed of mixed_spec list
| Regexp of regexp_spec

type mixed_spec =
| MChild of string

type regexp_spec =
| Optional of regexp_spec
| Repeated of regexp_spec
| Repeated1 of regexp_spec
| Alt of regexp_spec list
| Seq of regexp_spec list
| Child of string

type att_type =
| A_cdata
| A_id
| A_idref
| A_idrefs
| A_entity
| A_entities
| A_nmtoken
| A_nmtokens
| A_notation of string list
| A_enum of string list

type att_default =
| D_required
| D_implied
| D_default of string
| D_fixed of string

type att_value =
| Value of string
| Valuelist of string list
| Implied_value
type pool 
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