module Pxp_types:Type definitions used throughout PXPsig
(and finally defined in Pxp_core_types.I
), so
the user only has to
open Pxp_types
to get all relevant type definitions. The re-exported
definitions are shown here in the indented grey block:include Pxp_core_types.S
module StringMap:Map.S
with type key = string
typeext_id =
| |
System of |
| |
Public of |
| |
Anonymous |
| |
Private of |
identifier is
a URL. PXP (without extensions) only supports file URLs in the form
. Note that the percent encoding
(% plus two hex digits) is supported in file URLs. A public identifier
can be looked up in a catalog to find a local copy of the file; this
type is mostly used for well-known documents (e.g. after
standardization). A public identifier can be accompanied by a
system identifier (Public(pubid,sysid)
), but the system identifier
can be the empty string. The value Anonymous
should not be used
to identify a real document; it is more thought as a placeholder when
an ID is not yet known. Private
identifiers are used by PXP internally.
These identifiers have, unlike system or public IDs, no textual
The identifiers are encoded as UTF-8 strings.
typeprivate_id =
val allocate_private_id : unit -> private_id
typeresolver_id =
= {
rid_private : |
rid_public : |
rid_system : |
rid_system_base : |
val resolver_id_of_ext_id : ext_id -> resolver_id
ID is turned into a resolver_id
where only rid_system
set. A Public
ID is turned into a resolver_id
where both rid_public
and rid_system
are set. A Private
ID is turned into a resolver_id
where only rid_private
is set. An Anonymous
ID is turned into a
without any value (all components are None).typedtd_id =
| |
External of |
(* | DTD is completely external | *) |
| |
Derived of |
(* | DTD is derived from an external DTD | *) |
| |
Internal |
(* | DTD is completely internal | *) |
typecontent_model_type =
| |
Unspecified |
(* | A specification of the model has not yet been found | *) |
| |
Empty |
(* | Nothing is allowed as content | *) |
| |
Any |
(* | Everything is allowed as content | *) |
| |
Mixed of |
(* | The contents consist of elements and PCDATA
in arbitrary order. What is allowed in
particular is given as mixed_spec . | *) |
| |
Regexp of |
(* | The contents are elements following this regular expression | *) |
typemixed_spec =
| |
(* | PCDATA children are allowed | *) |
| |
MChild of |
(* | This kind of Element is allowed | *) |
typeregexp_spec =
| |
Optional of |
(* | subexpression? | *) |
| |
Repeated of |
(* | subexpression* | *) |
| |
Repeated1 of |
(* | subexpression+ | *) |
| |
Alt of |
(* | subexpr1 | subexpr2 | ... | subexprN | *) |
| |
Seq of |
(* | subexpr1 , subexpr2 , ... , subexprN | *) |
| |
Child of |
(* | This kind of Element is allowed here | *) |
typeatt_type =
| |
A_cdata |
(* | CDATA | *) |
| |
A_id |
(* | ID | *) |
| |
A_idref |
(* | IDREF | *) |
| |
A_idrefs |
(* | IDREFS | *) |
| |
A_entity |
(* | ENTITY | *) |
| |
A_entities |
(* | ENTITIES | *) |
| |
A_nmtoken |
(* | NMTOKEN | *) |
| |
A_nmtokens |
(* | NMTOKENS | *) |
| |
A_notation of |
(* | NOTATION (name1 | name2 | ... | nameN) | *) |
| |
A_enum of |
(* | (name1 | name2 | ... | nameN) | *) |
typeatt_default =
| |
D_required |
(* | #REQUIRED | *) |
| |
D_implied |
(* | #IMPLIED | *) |
| |
D_default of |
(* | a value default -- the value is already expanded | *) |
| |
D_fixed of |
(* | FIXED value default -- the value is already expanded | *) |
typeatt_value =
| |
Value of |
| |
Valuelist of |
| |
Implied_value |
Value s
: The attribute is declared as a non-list type, or the
attribute is undeclared; and the attribute is either defined with
value "s"
, or it is missing but has the default value s
.[Valuelist [s1;...;sk]]
: The attribute is declared as a list type,
and the attribute is either defined with value "s1 ... sk"
(space-separated words),
or it is missing but has the default value "s1 ... sk"
: The attribute is declared without default value,
and there is no definition for the attribute.class type collect_warnings =object
class drop_warnings :collect_warnings
typewarning =
[ `W_XML_version_not_supported of string
| `W_code_point_cannot_be_represented of int
| `W_element_mentioned_but_not_declared of string
| `W_entity_declared_twice of string
| `W_multiple_ATTLIST_declarations of string
| `W_multiple_attribute_declarations of string * string
| `W_name_is_reserved_for_extensions of string ]
class type symbolic_warnings =object
val string_of_warning : warning -> string
val warn : symbolic_warnings option ->
collect_warnings -> warning -> unit
object, and then to the
object.typeencoding =
typerep_encoding =
[ `Enc_cp1006
| `Enc_cp437
| `Enc_cp737
| `Enc_cp775
| `Enc_cp850
| `Enc_cp852
| `Enc_cp855
| `Enc_cp856
| `Enc_cp857
| `Enc_cp860
| `Enc_cp861
| `Enc_cp862
| `Enc_cp863
| `Enc_cp864
| `Enc_cp865
| `Enc_cp866
| `Enc_cp869
| `Enc_cp874
| `Enc_iso88591
| `Enc_iso885910
| `Enc_iso885913
| `Enc_iso885914
| `Enc_iso885915
| `Enc_iso885916
| `Enc_iso88592
| `Enc_iso88593
| `Enc_iso88594
| `Enc_iso88595
| `Enc_iso88596
| `Enc_iso88597
| `Enc_iso88598
| `Enc_iso88599
| `Enc_koi8r
| `Enc_macroman
| `Enc_usascii
| `Enc_utf8
| `Enc_windows1250
| `Enc_windows1251
| `Enc_windows1252
| `Enc_windows1253
| `Enc_windows1254
| `Enc_windows1255
| `Enc_windows1256
| `Enc_windows1257
| `Enc_windows1258 ]
that may be used for the internal representation
of strings. The common property of the following encodings is that
they are ASCII-compatible - the PXP code relies on that.exception Validation_error of string
exception WF_error of string
exception Namespace_error of string
exception Error of string
exception Character_not_supported
exception At of (string * exn)
(for example, when an entity within an entity causes
the error).exception Undeclared
exception Method_not_applicable of string
exception Namespace_method_not_applicable of string
exception Not_competent
exception Not_resolvable of exn
exception Namespace_not_managed of string
exception Namespace_prefix_not_managed of string
exception Namespace_not_in_scope of string
val string_of_exn : exn -> string
typeoutput_stream =
[ `Out_buffer of Buffer.t
| `Out_channel of Pervasives.out_channel
| `Out_function of string -> int -> int -> unit
| `Out_netchannel of Netchannels.out_obj_channel ]
`Out_buffer b
: Output to buffer b
`Out_channel ch
: Output to channel ch
`Out_function f
: Output to function f
. The function f
used like Pervasives.output_string
.`Out_netchannel n
: Output to the ocamlnet channel n
val write : output_stream -> string -> int -> int -> unit
write os s pos len
: Writes the string (portion) to the
buffer/channel/streamtypepool =
val make_probabilistic_pool : ?fraction:float -> int -> pool
val pool_string : pool -> string -> string
config = {
warner : |
(* | An object that collects warnings. | *) |
swarner : |
(* | Another object getting warnings expressed as polymorphic
variants. This is especially useful to turn warnings into
errors. If defined, the swarner gets the warning
first before it is sent to the classic warner . | *) |
enable_pinstr_nodes : |
(* | if true , processing instructions (PI's) are represented by
nodes of their own in the document tree. If not enabled, PI's
are attached to their surrounding elements, and the exact
location within the element is lost.
For example, if the XML text
The event-based parser reacts on the | *) |
enable_comment_nodes : |
(* | When enabled, comments are represented as nodes with type
T_comment . If not enabled, comments are ignored.
Event-based parser: This flag controls whether E_comment events are generated. | *) |
enable_super_root_node : |
(* | The enable_super_root_node changes the layout of the document
tree: The top-most node is no longer the top-most element of the
document (i.e. the element root), but a special node called the
super root node (T_super_root ). The top-most element is then
a child of the super
root node. The super root node can have further children, namely
comment nodes and processing instructions that are placed before
or after the top-most element in the XML text. However, the exact
behaviour depends on whether the other special modes in the
configuration are also enabled:
| *) |
drop_ignorable_whitespace : |
(* | Ignorable whitespace is whitespace between XML nodes where
the DTD does not specify that #PCDATA must be parsed. For example,
if the DTD contains
<!ELEMENT a (b,c)>
the XML text <a><b> </b> <c></c></a> is legal. There are two
c is declared as EMPTY . XML does not allow space
characters between <c> and </c> such that it is not the question
whether such characters are to be ignored or not - they are
simply illegal and will lead to a parsing error.
In the well-formed mode, the parser treats every whitespace character occuring in an element as non-ignorable. Event-based parser: ignored. (Maybe there will be a stream filter with the same effect if I find time to program it.) | *) |
encoding : |
(* | Specifies the encoding used for the internal representation of any character data. | *) |
recognize_standalone_declaration : |
(* | Whether the standalone declaration is recognized or not.
This option does not have an effect on well-formedness parsing:
in this case such declarations are never recognized.
Recognizing the
This means: If a document is flagged
Event-based parser: The option has an effect if the | *) |
store_element_positions : |
(* | Whether the file name, the line and the column of the
beginning of elements are stored in the element nodes.
This option may be useful to generate error messages.
Positions are only stored for:
You can access positions by the method
Event-based parser: If true, the | *) |
idref_pass : |
(* | Whether the parser does a second pass and checks that all
IDREF and IDREFS attributes contain valid references.
This option works only if an ID index is available. To create
an ID index, pass an index object as id_index argument to the
parsing functions (such as Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity ).
"Second pass" does not mean that the XML text is again parsed;
only the existing document tree is traversed, and the check
on bad Event-based parser: this option is ignored. | *) |
validate_by_dfa : |
(* | If true, and if DFAs are available for validation, the DFAs will
actually be used for validation.
If false, or if no DFAs are available, the standard backtracking
algorithm will be used.
DFAs are only available if I strongly recommend using DFAs; however, there are examples for which validation by backtracking is faster. Event-based parser: this option is ignored. | *) |
accept_only_deterministic_models : |
(* | Whether only deterministic content models are accepted in DTDs.
Event-based parser: this option is ignored. | *) |
disable_content_validation : |
(* | When set to true, content validation is disabled; however,
other validation checks remain activated.
This option is intended to save time when a validated document
is parsed and it can be assumed that it is valid.
Do not forget to set Event-based parser: this option is ignored. | *) |
name_pool : |
enable_name_pool_for_element_types : |
enable_name_pool_for_attribute_names : |
enable_name_pool_for_attribute_values : |
enable_name_pool_for_pinstr_targets : |
(* | The name pool maps strings to pool strings such that strings with
the same value share the same block of memory.
Enabling the name pool saves memory, but makes the parser
Event-based parser: As far as I remember, some of the pool options are honoured, but not all. | *) |
enable_namespace_processing : |
(* | Setting this option to a namespace_manager enables namespace
processing. This works only if the namespace-aware implementation
namespace_element_impl of element nodes is used in the spec;
otherwise you will get error messages complaining about missing
Note that PXP uses a technique called "prefix normalization" to
implement namespaces on top of the plain document model. This means
that the namespace prefixes of elements and attributes are changed
to unique prefixes if they are ambiguous, and that these
"normprefixes" are actually stored in the document tree. Furthermore,
the normprefixes are used for validation. (See
Event-based parser: If true, the events | *) |
escape_contents : |
(* | Experimental feature.
If defined, the escape_contents function is called whenever
the tokens "{", "{{", "}", or "}}" are found in the context
of character data contents. The first argument is the token.
The second argument is the entity manager, it can be used to
access the lexing buffer directly. The result of the function
are the characters to substitute.
"{" is the token Event-based parser: this option works. | *) |
escape_attributes : |
(* | Experimental feature.
If defined, the escape_attributes function is called whenever
the tokens "{", "{{", "}", or "}}" are found inside attribute
values. The function takes three arguments: The token (Lcurly ,
LLcurly , Rcurly or RRcurly ), the position in the attribute value,
and the entity manager.
The result of the function is the string substituted for the
Example: The attribute is "a{b{{c", and the function is called as follows:
See also Event-based parser: this option works. | *) |
debugging_mode : |
val default_config : config
val default_namespace_config : config
, but namespace processing is turned on.
Note however, that a globally defined namespace manager is used.
Because of this, this config
should no longer be used. Instead, do
let m = Pxp_dtd.create_namespace_manager() in
let namespace_config =
{ default_config with
enable_namespace_processing = Some m
and take control of the scope of m
is often not used directly, but sources are constructed
with the help of the functions from_channel
, from_obj_channel
, and from_string
(see below). Note that you can
usually view the type source
as an opaque type. There is no need
to understand why it enumerates these three cases, or to use them
directly. Just create sources with one of the from_*
The type source
is an abstraction on top of resolver
(defined in
module Pxp_reader
). The resolver
is a configurable object that knows
how to access files that are
and Anonymous
knows a lot about the character encoding
of the files. See Pxp_reader
for details.
A source
is a resolver that is applied to a certain ID that should
be initially opened.
typesource =
| |
Entity of |
| |
ExtID of |
| |
XExtID of |
is a very low-level way of denoting a source. After the
parser has created the DTD object d
, it calls
e = m d
and uses the entity object e
together with the resolver r
. This kind
of source
is intended to implement customized versions of the entity
classes. Use it only if there is a strong need to do so.ExtID(xid,r)
is the normal way of denoting a source. The external entity
referred to by the ID xid
is opened by using the resolver r
is an extension of ExtID
. The additional parameter
is the base URI to assume if xid
is a relative URI (i.e.
ID).val from_channel : ?alt:Pxp_reader.resolver list ->
?system_id:string ->
?fixenc:encoding ->
?id:ext_id ->
?system_encoding:encoding -> Pervasives.in_channel -> source
. By default, this source
is not able to read
XML text from any other location (you cannot read from files etc.).
The optional arguments allow it to modify this behaviour.
Keep the following in mind:
argument specifies something else, you cannot
refer to entities by SYSTEM
names (error "no input method
method that can handle SYSTEM
, it is
not immediately possible to open SYSTEM
entities that are defined
by a URL relative to the entity that is accessed over the in_channel
You first must pass the system_id
argument, so the parser knows the base name relative to which
other SYSTEM
entities can be resolved.Intro_resolution
: A list of further resolvers that are used to open further entities
referenced in the initially opened entity. For example, you can pass
new Pxp_reader.resolve_as_file()
to enable resolving of
file names found in SYSTEM
: By default, the XML text found in the in_channel
does not
have any visible ID (to be exact, the in_channel
has a private ID, but
this is hidden). Because of this, it is not possible to open
a second file by using a relative SYSTEM
ID. The parameter system_id
assigns the channel a SYSTEM
ID that is only used to resolve
further relative SYSTEM
IDs. -
This parameter must be encoded as UTF-8 string.fixenc
: By default, the character encoding of the XML text is
determined by looking at the XML declaration. Setting fixenc
forces a certain character encoding. Useful if you can assume
that the XML text has been recoded by the transmission
: This parameter assigns the channel an arbitrary ID (like system_id
, anonymous, and private IDs are also possible - although
not reasonable). Furthermore, setting id
also enables resolving
of file names. id
has higher precedence than system_id
: (Only useful together with id
.) The character encoding
used for file names. (UTF-8 by default.)val from_obj_channel : ?alt:Pxp_reader.resolver list ->
?system_id:string ->
?fixenc:encoding ->
?id:ext_id ->
?system_encoding:encoding -> Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> source
, but reads from an Ocamlnet netchannel
instead.val from_string : ?alt:Pxp_reader.resolver list ->
?system_id:string -> ?fixenc:encoding -> string -> source
, but reads from a string.
Of course, it is possible to parse this source several times, unlike
the channel-based sources.
val from_file : ?alt:Pxp_reader.resolver list ->
?system_encoding:encoding -> ?enc:encoding -> string -> source
This source can open further files by default, and relative URLs work immediately.
: A list of further resolvers, especially useful to open
IDs, and non-file entities.system_encoding
: The character encoding the system uses to represent
filenames. By default, UTF-8 is assumed.enc
: The character encoding of the string argument. As mentioned, this
is UTF-8 by default.
from_file "/tmp/file.xml"
reads from this file, which is assumed to have the ID
SYSTEM "file://localhost/tmp/file.xml"
. It is no problem when
other files are included by either absolute SYSTEM
file name,
or by a relative SYSTEM
. let ch = open_in "/tmp/file.xml" in
~alt:[ new Pxp_reader.resolve_as_file() ]
~system_id:"file://localhost/tmp/file.xml" ch
does roughly the same, but uses a channel for the initially opened
entity. Because of the alt
argument, it is possible to reference
other entities by absolute SYSTEM
name. The system_id
makes it possible that SYSTEM
names relative to the initially used
entity are resolvable. let cat = new Pxp_reader.lookup_id
[ Public("My Public ID",""),"/usr/share/xml/public.xml" ] in
from_file ~alt:[cat] "/tmp/file.xml"
sets that the PUBLIC
ID "My Public ID" is mapped to the
shown file, i.e. this file is parsed when this PUBLIC
ID occurs in
the XML text. (Without mapping PUBLIC
names these cannot be resolved.)val open_source : config ->
source ->
bool -> Pxp_dtd.dtd -> Pxp_reader.resolver * Pxp_entity.entity
for functions dealing with entities.typeentity_id =
is an identifier for an entity, or a fake identifier.typeentity =
typeentry =
[ `Entry_content of [ `Dummy ] list
| `Entry_declarations of [ `Extend_dtd_fully | `Val_mode_dtd ] list
| `Entry_document of
[ `Extend_dtd_fully | `Parse_xml_decl | `Val_mode_dtd ] list
| `Entry_element_content of [ `Dummy ] list
| `Entry_expr of [ `Dummy ] list ]
: The parser reads a complete document that
must have a DOCTYPE and may have a DTD.`Entry_declarations
: The parser reads the external subset
of a DTD`Entry_element_content
The parser reads an entity containing contents, but there must
be one top element, i.e. "misc* element misc*". At the beginning,
there can be an XML declaration as for external entities.`Entry_content
The parser reads an entity containing contents, but without the
restriction of having a top element. At the beginning,
there can be an XML declaration as for external entities.`Entry_expr
: The parser reads a single element, a single
processing instruction or a single comment, or whitespace, whatever is
found. In contrast to the other entry points, the expression
need not to be a complete entity, but can start and end in
the middle of an entity
The entry points have a list of flags. Note that `Dummy
ignored and only present because O'Caml does not allow empty
For `Entry_document
, and `Entry_declarations
, the flags determine
the kind of DTD object that is generated.
Without flags, the DTD object is configured for well-formedness mode:
: Elements, attributes, and notations are added
to the DTD. The DTD mode dtd#arbitrary_allowed
is enabled.
If the resulting event stream is validated later, this mode
has the effect that the actually declared elements, attributes,
and notations are validated as declared. Also, non-declared
elements, attributes, and notations are not rejected, but
handled as in well-formed mode.`Val_mode_dtd
: The DTD object is set up for validation, i.e. all
declarations are added to the DTD, and dtd#arbitrary_allowed
disabled. Furthermore, some validation checks are already done
for the DTD (e.g. whether the root element is declared).
If the resulting event stream is validated later, all validation
checks are conducted (except for the XML declaration - see the
next flag - this check must be separately enabled).`Parse_xml_decl
: By default, the XML declaration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="..." standalone="..."?>
ignored except for the encoding attribute. This flag causes
that the XML declaration is completely parsed.type
event =
| |
E_start_doc of |
(* | Starts a document. The string is the XML version ("1.0") | *) |
| |
E_end_doc of |
(* | Ends a document. The string is the literal name of the root element (without any normalization or transformation) | *) |
| |
E_start_tag of |
(* | (name, attlist, scope_opt, entid) : Starts an element name
with an attribute list attlist . scope_opt is the scope
object in namespace mode, otherwise None . entid identifies
the identity where the start tag occurs | *) |
| |
E_end_tag of |
(* | (name,entid) : Ends the element name in entity entid . | *) |
| |
E_char_data of |
(* | Character data | *) |
| |
E_pinstr of |
(* | A processing instruction <?target value?> | *) |
| |
E_comment of |
(* | A comment node. The string does not include the delimiters | *) |
| |
E_start_super |
(* | Starts the super root | *) |
| |
E_end_super |
(* | Ends the super root | *) |
| |
E_position of |
(* | (entity,line,pos) : Describes that the next element, which is
either E_start_tag , E_pinstr , or E_comment , is located
in entity at line and character position pos . | *) |
| |
E_error of |
(* | May occur as last event in a stream to describe an error | *) |
| |
E_end_of_stream |
(* | If the text can be parsed without error, this event is the last event of the stream | *) |
), the events
of the text are surrounded by E_start_doc
and E_end_doc
, i.e.
the overall structure is:
or E_end_of_stream
and `Entry_expr
the document
events are left out. The final E_error
or E_end_of_stream
is nevertheless emitted.