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Index of types

accepted_id [Pxp_reader]
When a resolver accepts an ID, this triple specifies how to proceed.
att_default [Pxp_core_types.S]
Default value of an attribute
att_default [Pxp_core_types.A]
att_type [Pxp_core_types.S]
Attribute declaration in a DTD
att_type [Pxp_core_types.A]
att_value [Pxp_core_types.S]
Enumerates the possible values of an attribute: Value s: The attribute is declared as a non-list type, or the attribute is undeclared; and the attribute is either defined with value "s", or it is missing but has the default value s., [Valuelist [s1;...;sk]]: The attribute is declared as a list type, and the attribute is either defined with value "s1 ... sk" (space-separated words), or it is missing but has the default value "s1 ... sk"., Implied_value: The attribute is declared without default value, and there is no definition for the attribute.
att_value [Pxp_core_types.A]

combination_mode [Pxp_reader]
config [Pxp_yacc]
config [Pxp_types]
content_model_type [Pxp_core_types.S]
Element declaration in a DTD
content_model_type [Pxp_core_types.A]

data_node_classification [Pxp_document]
This type enumerates the result values of the method classify_data_node: CD_normal: Adding n does not violate any validation constraint, CD_other: n is not a data node, CD_empty: The element obj is declared as EMTPY, and n contains the empty string. It is allowed to append n but it does not make sense, CD_ignorable: The element obj is declared such that it is forbidden to put character data into it. However, the node n only contains white space which is allowed as an exception to this rule. This means that it is allowed to append n but n would not contain any information except formatting hints., CD_error e: It is an error to append n. The exception e, usually a Validation_error, contains details about the problem.
dtd_id [Pxp_core_types.S]
Identifier for DTDs
dtd_id [Pxp_core_types.A]
dtd_style [Pxp_event]

encoding [Pxp_core_types.S]
For the representation of external resources (files etc.) we accept all encodings for character sets which are defined in Netconversion (package netstring).
entity [Pxp_types]
The representation of entities
entity_id [Pxp_types]
An entity_id is an identifier for an entity, or a fake identifier.
entry [Pxp_types]
Entry points for the parser (used to call process_entity): `Entry_document: The parser reads a complete document that must have a DOCTYPE and may have a DTD., `Entry_declarations: The parser reads the external subset of a DTD, `Entry_element_content: The parser reads an entity containing contents, but there must be one top element, i.e. "misc* element misc*". At the beginning, there can be an XML declaration as for external entities., `Entry_content: The parser reads an entity containing contents, but without the restriction of having a top element. At the beginning, there can be an XML declaration as for external entities., `Entry_expr: The parser reads a single element, a single processing instruction or a single comment, or whitespace, whatever is found. In contrast to the other entry points, the expression need not to be a complete entity, but can start and end in the middle of an entity More entry points might be defined in the future.
event [Pxp_types]
The type of XML events.
ext_id [Pxp_core_types.S]
External identifiers are names for documents.
ext_id [Pxp_core_types.A]

filter [Pxp_event]
A filter transforms a pull function into another pull function

lexer_source [Pxp_reader]
The parser chooses one of these ways of lexing the input into tokens.

mixed_spec [Pxp_core_types.S]
Children of an element in "mixed"-style declaration
mixed_spec [Pxp_core_types.A]

node_type [Pxp_document]
This type enumerates the possible node types: T_element name: The node is an element and has element type name, T_data: The node is a data node, T_super_root: The node is a super root node, T_pinstr name: The node contains a processing instruction with target name, T_comment: The node is a comment, T_attribute name: The node contains an attribute called name, T_namespace prefix: The node identifies a namespace for the normalized prefix, T_none: This is a "bottom value" used if there is no reasonable type. Note that attribute and namespace nodes can only live outside the regular tree, and are only returned by special methods.

ord_index [Pxp_document]
The type of ordinal indexes.
output_stream [Pxp_core_types.S]
Designates an output destination for several printers: `Out_buffer b: Output to buffer b, `Out_channel ch: Output to channel ch, `Out_function f: Output to function f. The function f is used like Pervasives.output_string., `Out_netchannel n: Output to the ocamlnet channel n

pool [Pxp_core_types.S]
A pool designates a way to increase string sharing
pool [Pxp_core_types.A]
private_id [Pxp_core_types.S]
A private ID is an opaque identifier
private_id [Pxp_core_types.A]
pull_fn [Pxp_event]

reconstruction_cmd [Pxp_marshal]
A tree is translated into a sequence of reconstrucion_cmd tokens.
regexp_spec [Pxp_core_types.S]
Children of an element in a regexp-style declaration
regexp_spec [Pxp_core_types.A]
rep_encoding [Pxp_core_types.S]
The subset of encoding that may be used for the internal representation of strings.
resolver_id [Pxp_core_types.S]
A resolver ID is a version of external identifiers used during resolving (i.e.
resolver_id [Pxp_core_types.A]

solid_xml [Pxp_document]
Solid XML can be a (sub)tree `Node n, or a closed `Document
source [Pxp_yacc]
source [Pxp_types]
The three basic flavours of sources: Entity(m,r) is a very low-level way of denoting a source. After the parser has created the DTD object d, it calls  e = m d  and uses the entity object e together with the resolver r. This kind of source is intended to implement customized versions of the entity classes. Use it only if there is a strong need to do so., ExtID(xid,r) is the normal way of denoting a source. The external entity referred to by the ID xid is opened by using the resolver r., XExtID(xid,sys_base,r) is an extension of ExtID. The additional parameter sys_base is the base URI to assume if xid is a relative URI (i.e. a SYSTEM ID).
spec [Pxp_document]
The abstract data type of the document model specification.
stripping_mode [Pxp_document]
The different ways how to strip whitespace from a single data node: `Strip_one_lf: If there is a linefeed character at the beginning/at the end, it will be removed. If there are more linefeed characters, only the first/the last is removed. (This is the SGML rule to strip whitespace.), `Strip_one: If there is a whitespace character at the beginning/at the end, it will be removed. If there are more whitespace characters, only the first/the last is removed. Whitespace characters are space, newline, carriage return, and tab., `Strip_seq: All whitespace characters at the beginning/at the end are removed., `Disabled: Do not strip whitespace.

warning [Pxp_core_types.S]
Kinds of warnings
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