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Class type Webdav_client_methods.webdav_call_t

class type webdav_call_t = object .. end
A WebDAV call is a request with response
  • Http_client.http_call

method response_webdav_status : Webdav_http.webdav_status
Extended status information for WebDAV purposes
method call_status : call_status
Condensed status information about the call
method multistatus : response_t list
If the call_status is `Multi_status, this list contains for every URL the requested data
method query_path : string
Returns the target path of this call
method effective_query_path : string
Returns the target path of this call, after following redirections
method paths : string list
Return the paths for which we got multistatus responses. This list is empty if the call_status is not `Multi_status.
method good_paths : string list
The subset of paths for which the response is considered as successful. The exeact criterion depends on the type of call.

For multistatus responses good_paths <> [] means that there was success for at least one path.

method bad_paths : string list
The subset of paths for which the response is considered as erroneous. The exeact criterion depends on the type of call.

For multistatus responses bad_paths = [] means that all paths could be processed successfully.

method fully_successful : bool
Same as call_status = `Successful || (call_status = `Multi_status && bad_paths = [])
method response_of_path : string -> response_t
Return the response object for this path. Raises Not_found if nothing is known about the path (or no multistatus response was available).

In a PROPFIND response the status is per property, not per path. So (response_of_path p) # status is always `Ok. The only property that can always be retrieved is resourcetype, so to find out whether a path is generally accessible one should ask for that property, and check whether prop_resourcetype_is_collection is Some true (for collections) or Some false (for non-collections). A value of None means that there is an error with the path.

For other query types the status is per path.

When the client had to follow redirections, only information about the redirected path is available. Use effective_query_path to determine this path.

method responsedescription : string
The overall description
method status_report : string
Returns a client-generated message describing the success of the operation URL by URL
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