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Module Webdav_xml

module Webdav_xml: sig .. end
Parsing and printing XML for WebDAV messages


type property = 'a Pxp_document.extension Pxp_document.node as 'a 
A property is an XML tree. It is required that the XML tree is namespace-aware. For trees passed in to this module, the DTD object can be arbitrary. The character encoding must be UTF-8 (`Enc_utf8).

The root node of the property tree must be an XML element. Namespace processing is done as in PXP, i.e. namespace prefixes are normalized. For checking that a property has a certain name, one should either:

  • use the pair (localname, namespace_uri) as compound name
  • define prefixes in the namespace manager for the expected namespace URIs, and use the normalized name (the argument of T_element)
Example for the first method (assumed p is a property):
 p#localname = "notes" && 
         p#namespace_uri = "" 

Example for the second method:

         let m = namespace_manager()
         m # add_namespace "h" "";
         let r = parse_multistatus_body ~namespace_manager:m  ...
         let p = List.hd ((List.hd r) # propstat)   (* p : property *)
         match p # node_type with
          | T_element "h:notes" -> true
          | _ -> false

The values of the properties are also normalized in this way, and must be handled accordingly. There is no guarantee that the prefixes are presented in the same way as they come from the server.

val create_propname : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager -> string -> property
Creates a property element without children. This element can be used in PROPFIND queries as property name

The passed string must have the form "prefix:localname", and the prefix must be declared in the namespace manager. The default namespace manager only defines the prefix "DAV".


 create_propname "DAV:creationdate" 

val propname_creationdate : property
val propname_displayname : property
val propname_getcontentlanguage : property
val propname_getcontentlength : property
val propname_getcontenttype : property
val propname_getetag : property
val propname_getlastmodified : property
val propname_resourcetype : property
Standard WebDAV properties
val decode_string : property -> string
Returns the included string from any property
val decode_creationdate : property -> float
val decode_displayname : property -> string
val decode_getcontentlanguage : property -> string
val decode_getcontentlength : property -> int64
val decode_getcontenttype : property -> string * (string * string) list
val decode_getetag : property -> Nethttp.etag
val decode_getlastmodified : property -> float
val decode_resourcetype : property -> bool
Decodes standard WebDAV properties
val encode_string : string -> string -> property
encode_string name value: Creates a property with name that includes the value as string
val encode_creationdate : float -> property
val encode_displayname : string -> property
val encode_getcontentlanguage : string -> property
val encode_getcontentlength : int64 -> property
val encode_getcontenttype : string * (string * string) list -> property
val encode_getetag : Nethttp.etag -> property
val encode_getlastmodified : float -> property
val encode_resourcetype : bool -> property
Encodes standard WebDAV properties

Precondition/postcondition elements

type prepost_code = 'a Pxp_document.extension Pxp_document.node as 'a 
A precondition/postcondition element. Works in the same way as property.
type known_prepost_code = [ `Cannot_modify_protected_property
| `No_external_entities
| `Preserved_live_properties
| `Propfind_finite_depth ]
The precondition/postcondition codes this implementation understands
val create_prepost_code : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
string -> prepost_code
Creates a pre/postcondition code without children. Content, if any, can be added to the returned XML node.

The passed string must have the form "prefix:localname", and the prefix must be declared in the namespace manager. The default namespace manager only defines the prefix "DAV".


 create_propname "DAV:no-external-entities" 

val parse_prepost_code : prepost_code -> known_prepost_code
Checks whether the pre/postcondition code is known and returns the code. Raise Not_found if unknown
val emit_prepost_code : known_prepost_code -> prepost_code

General XML stuff

val namespace_manager : unit -> Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager
The namespace manager used by XML trees that are returned from this module. Defines the prefixes:
  • "DAV": This is the prefix for WebDAV requests

val check_dtd : Pxp_dtd.dtd -> unit
Checks whether the DTD satisfies the minimum requirements:
  • The encoding is UTF-8
  • There are no element, attribute, or notation declarations
  • Checking such declarations is turned off
  • All entities are internal
  • The namespace manager defines "DAV".

val dtd : unit -> Pxp_dtd.dtd
The DTD used by XML trees that are returned from this module. This DTD can also be used for trees generated by the user.


val url_path : ?strip_prefix:string -> string -> string
Extracts the URL path from a URL. Parsing is error-tolerant to some extent.

It is checked, however, whether the resulting string is UTF-8.

Support for propstat

class type propstat_t = object .. end
val create_propstat : properties:property list ->
status:Webdav_http.webdav_status ->
?status_code:int ->
?status_text:string ->
?status_protocol:string ->
?error:prepost_code list ->
?responsedescription:string -> unit -> propstat_t
Creates a propstat_t.

  • The status_code method will return the code corresponding to the status argument unless the status_code argument overrides it
  • The status_text method will return the text corresponding to the status argument unless the status_text argument overrides it
  • The status_protocol method will return Webdav_http.webdav_proto unless the status_protocol argument overrides it

Support for response

class type response_t = object .. end
val create_status_response : href:string list ->
status:Webdav_http.webdav_status ->
?status_code:int ->
?status_text:string ->
?status_protocol:string ->
?error:prepost_code list ->
?responsedescription:string ->
?location:string -> ?strip_prefix:string -> unit -> response_t
Creates the kind of response_t that includes a status element, but no propstat elements. In the returned object, the propstat method returns the empty list.

The href list must contain at least one element.

status, status_code, status_text, and status_protocol are handled as in Webdav_xml.create_propstat.

If strip_prefix is passed, this prefix is removed from all paths that are returned via the paths method.

val create_propstat_response : href:string ->
propstat:propstat_t list ->
?error:prepost_code list ->
?responsedescription:string ->
?location:string -> ?strip_prefix:string -> unit -> response_t
Create the kind of response_t that includes propstat elements but no status element. In the returned object, the status method returns `Ok.

The propstat list must contain at least one element.

If strip_prefix is passed, this prefix is removed from the single path returned via the paths method.

Support for multistatus

class type multistatus_t = object .. end
val create_multistatus : responses:response_t list ->
?responsedescription:string -> unit -> multistatus_t
val parse_multistatus_body : ?strip_prefix:string ->
?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
content_type:string -> Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> multistatus_t
Parses the body of a `Multi_status response. It is required to pass the content_type from the HTTP header (for extracting the character encoding). Optionally, one can pass an initialized namespace manager. This is useful to enforce that certain XML prefixes are used for the expected namespaces. It is expected that the prefix "DAV" is bound to the namespace URI "DAV:". There is no guarantee that the display prefixes are preserved.

strip_prefix: If passed, this path prefix is removed from the paths returned by the paths method. Also, it is considered an error if a path is found not within this prefix.

val write_multistatus_body : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> multistatus_t -> unit
Outputs this multistatus response object to the output channel. The character encoding is always UTF-8.

Support for PROPFIND

type propfind_request = [ `Allprop of property list
| `Prop of property list
| `Propname ]
val parse_propfind_request : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
content_type:string ->
Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> propfind_request
Parses the body of a propfind request body. See also Webdav_xml.parse_multistatus_body for the meaning of namespace_manager and content_type.
val write_propfind_request : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> propfind_request -> unit
Writes the XML request for the PROPFIND method. The request will always be UTF-8-encoded.

The passed properties (i.e. XML trees) can use any DTD and any namespace manager. In the generated XML text namespace prefixes are preserved (the prefix as returned by the display_prefix method of the property nodes).

Support for PROPPATCH

type proppatch_instruction = [ `Remove of property list | `Set of property list ] 
type proppatch_request = proppatch_instruction list 
val parse_proppatch_request : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
content_type:string ->
Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> proppatch_request
Parses the body of a proppatch request body. See also Webdav_xml.parse_multistatus_body for the meaning of namespace_manager and content_type.
val write_proppatch_request : ?namespace_manager:Pxp_dtd.namespace_manager ->
Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> proppatch_request -> unit
Writes the XML request for the PROPPATCH method. The request will always be UTF-8-encoded.

The passed properties (i.e. XML trees) can use any DTD and any namespace manager. In the generated XML text namespace prefixes are preserved (the prefix as returned by the display_prefix method of the property nodes).

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