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Index of values

check_dtd [Webdav_xml]
Checks whether the DTD satisfies the minimum requirements: The encoding is UTF-8, There are no element, attribute, or notation declarations, Checking such declarations is turned off, All entities are internal, The namespace manager defines "DAV".
create_multistatus [Webdav_xml]
create_prepost_code [Webdav_xml]
Creates a pre/postcondition code without children.
create_propname [Webdav_xml]
Creates a property element without children.
create_propstat [Webdav_xml]
Creates a propstat_t.
create_propstat_response [Webdav_xml]
Create the kind of response_t that includes propstat elements but no status element.
create_status_response [Webdav_xml]
Creates the kind of response_t that includes a status element, but no propstat elements.

decode_creationdate [Webdav_xml]
decode_displayname [Webdav_xml]
decode_getcontentlanguage [Webdav_xml]
decode_getcontentlength [Webdav_xml]
decode_getcontenttype [Webdav_xml]
decode_getetag [Webdav_xml]
decode_getlastmodified [Webdav_xml]
decode_resourcetype [Webdav_xml]
Decodes standard WebDAV properties
decode_string [Webdav_xml]
Returns the included string from any property
dtd [Webdav_xml]
The DTD used by XML trees that are returned from this module.

emit_prepost_code [Webdav_xml]
encode_creationdate [Webdav_xml]
encode_displayname [Webdav_xml]
encode_getcontentlanguage [Webdav_xml]
encode_getcontentlength [Webdav_xml]
encode_getcontenttype [Webdav_xml]
encode_getetag [Webdav_xml]
encode_getlastmodified [Webdav_xml]
encode_resourcetype [Webdav_xml]
Encodes standard WebDAV properties
encode_string [Webdav_xml]
encode_string name value: Creates a property with name that includes the value as string

get_dav [Webdav_http.Header]
get_depth [Webdav_http.Header]
get_destination [Webdav_http.Header]
get_if [Webdav_http.Header]
get_overwrite [Webdav_http.Header]

int_of_webdav_status [Webdav_http]
Returns the integer code for a status value

length_of_body [Webdav_client]
Determine the length of a body

namespace_manager [Webdav_xml]
The namespace manager used by XML trees that are returned from this module.
norm_path [Webdav_netfs]

parse_multistatus_body [Webdav_xml]
Parses the body of a `Multi_status response.
parse_prepost_code [Webdav_xml]
Checks whether the pre/postcondition code is known and returns the code.
parse_propfind_request [Webdav_xml]
Parses the body of a propfind request body.
parse_proppatch_request [Webdav_xml]
Parses the body of a proppatch request body.
propname_creationdate [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_creationdate [Webdav_xml]
propname_displayname [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_displayname [Webdav_xml]
propname_getcontentlanguage [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_getcontentlanguage [Webdav_xml]
propname_getcontentlength [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_getcontentlength [Webdav_xml]
propname_getcontenttype [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_getcontenttype [Webdav_xml]
propname_getetag [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_getetag [Webdav_xml]
propname_getlastmodified [Webdav_client_methods]
propname_getlastmodified [Webdav_xml]
propname_resourcetype [Webdav_client_methods]
Standard WebDAV properties.
propname_resourcetype [Webdav_xml]
Standard WebDAV properties

select_endpoint [Webdav_client_ha]
let base_url, base_ip = select_endpoint base_urls tmo: The input list is a list of base URLs (as passed to webdav_client).
set_dav [Webdav_http.Header]
set_depth [Webdav_http.Header]
set_destination [Webdav_http.Header]
set_if [Webdav_http.Header]
set_overwrite [Webdav_http.Header]
string_of_call_status [Webdav_client_methods]
string_of_webdav_status [Webdav_http]
The explanatory text

translate_status [Webdav_netfs]

url_append [Webdav_client_methods]
url_append base path: Appends the path to the URL base, and returns the new URL.
url_path [Webdav_client]
Returns the decoded path of an encoded URL
url_path [Webdav_xml]
Extracts the URL path from a URL.

webdav_client [Webdav_client_ha]
let wc = webdav_client (base_url,base_ip): Configures the WebDAV client wc so that the result of a prior select_endpoint is incorporated.
webdav_client [Webdav_client]
Same as function
webdav_netfs [Webdav_netfs]
webdav_netfs baseurl: The path / in the access methods corresponds to the passed base_url argument (like in Webdav_client.webdav_client_t).
webdav_netfs_layer [Webdav_netfs]
webdav_netfs_layer http_fs: Same as above, but the WebDAV protocol is added on top of an already existing http_fs.
webdav_proto [Webdav_http]
"HTTP/1.1" - what is put into generated inner status lines
webdav_status_of_int [Webdav_http]
Returns the status value for an integer code, or raises Not_found
write_multistatus_body [Webdav_xml]
Outputs this multistatus response object to the output channel.
write_propfind_request [Webdav_xml]
Writes the XML request for the PROPFIND method.
write_proppatch_request [Webdav_xml]
Writes the XML request for the PROPPATCH method.
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