module Webdav_http:Extension ofsig
for WebDAV supporttypewebdav_status =
[ `Accepted
| `Bad_gateway
| `Bad_request
| `Conflict
| `Continue
| `Created
| `Expectation_failed
| `Failed_dependency
| `Forbidden
| `Found
| `Gateway_timeout
| `Gone
| `Http_version_not_supported
| `Insufficient_storage
| `Internal_server_error
| `Length_required
| `Locked
| `Method_not_allowed
| `Moved_permanently
| `Multi_status
| `Multiple_choices
| `No_content
| `Non_authoritative
| `Not_acceptable
| `Not_found
| `Not_implemented
| `Not_modified
| `Ok
| `Partial_content
| `Payment_required
| `Precondition_failed
| `Proxy_auth_required
| `Request_entity_too_large
| `Request_timeout
| `Request_uri_too_long
| `Requested_range_not_satisfiable
| `Reset_content
| `See_other
| `Service_unavailable
| `Switching_protocols
| `Temporary_redirect
| `Unauthorized
| `Unprocessable_entity
| `Unsupported_media_type
| `Use_proxy ]
val int_of_webdav_status : webdav_status -> int
val string_of_webdav_status : webdav_status -> string
val webdav_status_of_int : int -> webdav_status
val webdav_proto : string
typedepth =
[ `Infinity | `One | `Zero ]
typedav =
[ `Class1 | `Class2 | `Class3 | `Token of string | `URL of string ]
For example,
["I am an ETag"])
(["I am another ETag"])
would be represented as
[`State_token "urn:uuid:181d4fae-7d8c-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf2";
`Etag(`Strong "I am an ETag")
[`Etag(`Strong "I am another ETag")]
typeif_condition =
[ `Self_target of if_self_or_condition
| `URL_target of if_url_or_condition ]
is an If
expression about the request URI of the
request including the If
header. A `URL_target
is an If
expression about arbitrary URLs.typeif_self_or_condition =
[ `Or of if_and_condition list ]
typeif_url_or_condition =
[ `Or of (string * if_and_condition) list ]
typeif_and_condition =
[ `And of if_atom list ]
typeif_atom =
[ `Etag of Nethttp.etag
| `Not of if_atom
| `State_token of string ]
expression can be negated, or it can be
a state token (lock token), or it can be an etag.
Note that state tokens are URIs, and reserved characters must
be escaped to avoid confusion of the recipient of the message.
Reserved characters are here especially double quotes, and
"<" and ">" and spaces.
module Header:sig
for parsing
and setting header fields of WebDAV requests and responses.