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Module Hydro_endpoint.Server

module Server: sig .. end

type t = [ `Server_role ] Hydro_endpoint.GeneralizedEndpoint.t 
A server endpoint for an existing connection
val create : ?onabort:(t -> unit) ->
Hydro_types.system ->
Hydro_types.endpoint_type ->
Hydro_types.descriptor ->
Hydro_types.server_params ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> t
Create a new server
val server_id : t -> int
Returns an identifier for the server
val endpoint : t -> Hydro_types.endpoint
Returns the endpoint name (for creating proxies)
val adapters : t -> Hydro_types.object_dispatcher list
Returns the bound adapters (object dispatchers)
val bind_adapter : t -> Hydro_types.object_dispatcher -> unit
Binds an object dispatcher
val unbind_adapter : t -> Hydro_types.object_dispatcher -> unit
Removes the object dispatcher binding
val shutdown : t -> unit
Shut the server gracefully down (by sending a close connection message)
val abort : t -> unit
Closes the connection immediately (no close connection message).

Note that binding an adapter does not include the registration at the location service. See Hydro_locator.register_adapters for this
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