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Module Hydro_types

module Hydro_types: sig .. end
Basic type and exception definitions


These are the base exceptions of the runtime. Note that user code usually does not get them directly because they are wrapped into the Client_condition exception. E.g. user code could get Client_condition(`Connect_error(Proxy_error(`NoEndpointIsReachable))).

For technical reasons, Client_condition is defined below.

type protocol_violation = [ `BadMessageType
| `CompressionNotSupported
| `MessageFormatViolation of string ]
exception Protocol_violation of protocol_violation
A violation of the protocol has been detected:
  • `MessageFormatViolation reason: The data received over the wire cannot be even split into messages. reason explains why.
  • `CompressionNotSupported: A compressed message was received although Hydro announces that it does not support compression.
  • `BadMessageType: XXX

exception Marshal_error of string
A value cannot be marshalled, i.e. converted into the string format that is sent over the wire. The argument explains the reason.
exception Unmarshal_error of string
A received message cannot be decoded into a value. The argument explains the reason.
type limitation = [ `UnsupportedEncodingVersion
| `UnsupportedEndpointType of int
| `UnsupportedProtocolVersion ]
exception Limitation of limitation
A Hydro limitation was hit:
  • `UnsupportedEncodingVersion: Hydro only understands version 1.0
  • `UnsupportedProtocolVersion: Hydro only understands version 1.0

type proxy_error = [ `NoCallableEndpointFound
| `NoEndpointIsReachable
| `NoLocatorIsReachable
| `ProxyIsDown ]
exception Proxy_error of proxy_error
The proxy is unable to fulfill the request:
  • `NoCallableEndpointFound: After the endpoint resolution procedure no endpoint turns out to be usable. Note that also DNS failures can lead to this error.
  • `NoEndpointIsReachable: None of the resolved endpoints is actually reachable.
  • `NoLocatorIsReachable: No locator (i.e. IceGrid node) is actually reachable, and the resolution procedure fails because of this.
  • `ProxyIsDown: The proxy has been shut down

exception Domain_not_found of string
A DNS name cannot be resolved. The argument is the name
exception Unbound_exception of exn
An exception that has not to be caught by a exception handler built into Hydro. Such exceptions always fall through to the user code.
exception Unimplemented_operation of string
This operation was called, but the actual definition is missing

See also the exception Client_condition below!


This defines value, the abstract (non-mapped) representation of values that can be sent over the wire. value is mostly internally used, because hydrogen generates a user-friendlier representation of values that uses directly OCaml types.
type noreturn 
A type without value. May be used to indicate that functions or methods never return normally to the caller.

type value =
| VNothing
| VBool of bool
| VByte of int
| VShort of int
| VInt of int
| VInt32 of int32
| VLong of int64
| VFloat of float
| VDouble of float
| VString of string
| VSequence of value array
| VByteseq of string
| VDictionary of (value * value) array
| VEnum of int
| VStruct of value array
| VNull
| VClass of class_repr Pervasives.ref
| VProxy of proxy_addr
| VDirectWriter of (Netbuffer.t -> unit)
| VDirectMapping of exn
This is mostly clear: e.g. VLong n represents a value that is declared as "long" in the Ice IDL file. Some remarks:
  • VNothing is the fictive value for `Void types (think of () in OCaml)
  • There are two representations for "int": `Int n and `Int32 n, so the user can select which representation to prefer
  • VFloat f means that f is only single-precision, although the OCaml float type corresponds to double-precision floats.
  • VByteseq s is used for values of sequence<byte> Ice type.
  • VEnum k: The number k is the position in the declaration.
  • VClass cls_ref: We use a reference as argument to simply the unmarshalling algorithm. User code should never see `Placeholder inside this reference, but only `Value.
  • VDirectWriter f: The function f is called to write out the byte encoding of the value.
  • VDirectMapping: The value is given in the language-mapped representation, wrapped into a special, generated exception

type class_repr = [ `Placeholder of int32 | `Value of object_value ] 
type sliced_value = < hydro_effective_id : string; hydro_slices : slice list > 
Sliced values are used to marshal exceptions and object instances. For these there is an inheritance hierarchy.
  • hydro_slices: These are the slices in base-to-derived order, i.e. the root slice for the root of the inheritance hierarchy comes first, and the most derived slice comes last.
  • hydro_effective_id: The effective type ID of the class or exception. This is the most derived ID the local type system knows = the latest element in hydro_slices with a decoded slice.
This type also exists as class type Hydro_lm.sliced_base.
type object_value = < hydro_effective_id : string;
hydro_inflate : string -> noreturn;
hydro_invoke_operation : string ->
value array ->
session -> unit;
hydro_slices : slice list >
Object values are subtypes of sliced_value. Additional methods:
  • hydro_inflate id: Used in the language-mapping layer to restore the full object type for the object_value. This is done by calling hydro_inflate with the class id of the desired class. The method in turn raises a special exception E obj that has to be caught by the caller in order to get obj. The argument obj is the object itself, but with a richer type that corresponds to id.
  • hydro_invoke_operation name args sess: invoke the operation name (always passed in lowercase letters) with arguments args and session sess.
Basically this means that an object_value is a sliced_value that can be recovered as rich class type by the language mapping layer.

For an object_value that has callable operations, use the class type Hydro_lm.object_base.

type slice = [ `Decoded of string * value array | `Opaque of string * string ] 
It is possible that the ID of a slice is known or not. In the first case Hydro represents it as `Decoded(id,values) where id is the type ID of the slice, and values are the decoded values in order. If Hydro does not know the type ID, the slice is represented as `Opaque(id,values), and the values remain unmarshalled. It is still possible to forward an opaque value to another Ice node.
type proxy_addr = < facet : string option; id : identity;
mode : proxy_mode; parameters : proxy_parameters;
secure : bool >
The address of a remote object (for creating a proxy):
  • id is the identity of the remote object
  • facet is the facet if any
  • mode is the mode of the proxy
  • secure may demand that only SSL endpoints are chose in order to access the remote object
  • parameters denotes the endpoint(s) where the object is reachable in a transport-dependent form

type proxy_mode = [ `Batch_datagram | `Batch_oneway | `Datagram | `Oneway | `Twoway ] 
type proxy_parameters = [ `Adapter of string | `Endpoints of endpoint array | `Well_known ] 
Where to find the Internet port(s) of the service behind the proxy:
  • `Endpoints e: The proxy is a direct proxy with the non-empty array of endpoints e
  • `Well_known: The proxy is an indirect proxy referring to a well known object
  • `Adapter s: The proxy is an indirect proxy referring to an adapter s (the string is non-empty)

type endpoint = [ `SSL of ssl_endpoint
| `TCP of tcp_endpoint
| `UDP of udp_endpoint
| `Unknown of int * string ]
type endpoint_type = [ `SSL | `TCP | `UDP | `Unknown of int ] 
type tcp_endpoint = < compress : bool; host : string; port : int; timeout : int32 > 
type udp_endpoint = < compress : bool; enc_major : int; enc_minor : int; host : string;
port : int; proto_major : int; proto_minor : int >
type ssl_endpoint = tcp_endpoint 
type identity = < category : string; name : string > 
The identity of a remote object

Type system

type htype =
| TVoid
| TBool
| TByte
| TShort
| TInt
| TInt32
| TLong
| TFloat
| TDouble
| TString
| TByteseq
| TEnum of string array
| TStruct of (string * htype) array
| TSequence of htype
| TDictionary of htype * htype
| TProxy of string
| TClass of string
| TDirectMapping of htype * (Netbuffer.t -> exn -> unit)
* (string -> int Pervasives.ref -> int -> exn)
type hexn = < elements : (string * htype) array; name : string;
super : hexn option >
type hintf = < elements : hfunction list; name : string;
super : hintf list >
type hfunction = < in_args : (string * htype) array; in_classes : bool;
mode : op_mode; name : string;
out_args : (string * htype) array; out_classes : bool;
result : htype >
type hclass = < elements : (string * htype) array; name : string;
super : hclass option >
type system = < classes : hclass Hydro_prelim.CiHashtbl.t;
ctors : (sliced_value -> object_value)
exceptions : hexn Hydro_prelim.CiHashtbl.t;
interfaces : hintf Hydro_prelim.CiHashtbl.t;
types : htype Hydro_prelim.CiHashtbl.t >
type op_mode = [ `Idempotent | `Nonmutating | `Normal ] 


type msg_type = [ `Batch_request
| `Close_connection
| `Reply
| `Request
| `Validate_connection ]
type compression_status = [ `Compressed | `Compression_unsupported | `Uncompressed ] 
type msg_header = < body_size : int; compression : compression_status;
enc_major : int; enc_minor : int; msg_type : msg_type;
proto_major : int; proto_minor : int >

type encap_buffer = {
   encap_buf : Netbuffer.t;
   encap_pos : int;
   encap_len : int;
   encap_enc_minor : int;
type msg_buffer = msg_header * encap_buffer list 
type msg = [ `Batch_request of batch_request_msg list
| `Close_connection
| `Reply of reply_msg
| `Request of request_msg
| `Validate_connection ]
type request_msg = < context : (string * string) array; facet : string option;
id : identity; mode : op_mode; operation :
string; params : encap_buffer; request_id : int32 >
type batch_request_msg = < context : (string * string) array; facet : string option;
id : identity; mode : op_mode; operation :
string; params : encap_buffer >
type reply_msg = < request_id : int32; result : result > 
type result = [ `Facet_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Object_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Operation_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Success of encap_buffer
| `Unknown_exception of string
| `Unknown_local_exception of string
| `Unknown_user_exception of string
| `User_exception of encap_buffer ]


See the Hydro_params module for creating and modifying these objects
type call_params = < context : (string * string) list option;
destination : Unix.sockaddr option; msg_timeout : float option >
Parameters for a single call:
  • msg_timeout: If Some tmo, the number tmo is the maximum number of seconds until when a response must have been arrived. Otherwise the call times out with a Client_condition `Message_timeout. If None, there is no such timeout condition. (Only used for twoway calls.)
  • destination: For unconnected UDP sockets, this parameter must be Some addr to set the destination of the call. For connected sockets this parameter must be None.
  • context: If Some ctx, the key/value pairs in ctx are to be passed as context. If None a reasonable default is passed.

type exn_handler = < handle : exn -> unit > 
An exception handler encapsulated as object
type client_params = < exception_handler : exn_handler; idle_timeout : float;
max_enc_minor : int option; max_proto_minor : int option;
msg_timeout : float; trans_timeout : float >
Parameters for clients:
  • trans_timeout: If non-negative, a timeout on the transport level is set. This means that connections that block for more than this number of seconds time out. In this case, the whole client fails, and all pending calls see a Client_condition `Transport_timeout if it happens in the middle of a connection, or Client_condition `Connect_timeout if it happens in the connect phase.
  • msg_timeout: If non-negative, the number tmo is the maximum number of seconds until when a response must have been arrived. Otherwise the call times out with a Client_condition `Message_timeout. This error is non-fatal, and only the single call times out. (Only used for twoway calls.)
  • idle_timeout: when the client has been idle for this number of seconds, it is automatically shut down. "Idle" means that there is neither something to send nor a message is expected to be received.
  • The exception_handler is invoked for exceptions that cannot be handled by the client. The handler is never invoked for Unbound_exceptions - these always fall through to the caller. In any case the client is shut down for exceptions that cannot be handled by the client.
  • max_proto_minor and max_enc_minor are the maximum minor versions of the server. These values are only used in the datagram case; for stream connections they can be obtained directly from the server. If not set, minor numbers of 0 are assumed.

type server_params = < trans_timeout : float > 


type server_ops = < abort_connection : unit -> unit; endpoint : endpoint;
event_system : Unixqueue.event_system; server_id : int;
server_params : server_params;
shutdown_connection : unit -> unit; system : system >
- endpoint returns the endpoint name where this server is reachable by remote proxies
  • shutdown_connection initiates the shutdown of the connection for connection-oriented servers (nothing is done for connection-less servers)
  • abort_connection closes the connection immediately for connection-oriented servers (nothing is done for connection-less servers)
  • event_system is the Unixqueue the server is using
  • system is the type system
  • server_params are the server parameters
  • server_id identifies the connection for connection-oriented servers, otherwise just the server

type session = < context : (string * string) list;
emit_result : value -> value array -> unit;
emit_unknown_exception : string -> unit;
emit_unknown_local_exception : string -> unit;
emit_unknown_user_exception : string -> unit;
emit_user_exception : sliced_value -> unit;
is_responded : bool; request_id : int32;
response : reply_msg option;
server_ops : server_ops >
- is_responded is true when a response has been sent, or when a response can no longer be sent, and false when a response is still expected
  • response is Some r when the response r is emitted, and None otherwise
  • emit_result r outvars emits the main result r and the output parameters outvars
  • emit_user_exception sv emits the user exception contained in sv
  • emit_unknown_local_exception s emit the "unknown local exception", accompanied by the string s
  • emit_unknown_user_exception s emit the "unknown user exception", accompanied by the string s
  • emit_unknown_exception s emit the "unknown exception", accompanied by the string s
  • request_id is the request ID sent in the request. Fails if non applicable (e.g. oneway calls)
  • context is the list of key/value pairs sent as context in the request message
  • server_ops allows access to server-specific operations

type operation_dispatcher = < hydro_effective_id : string;
hydro_invoke_operation : string ->
value array ->
session -> unit >
If you get Not_found after only passing the operation name to hydro_invoke_operation the operation does not exist.
type facet_dispatcher = < invoke_facet : string option -> operation_dispatcher > 
type object_dispatcher = < adapter_id : string option;
get_identity : operation_dispatcher -> identity;
invoke_object : identity -> facet_dispatcher;
replica_group_id : string option >
The invoke_object method either returns the next dispatcher, or raises Not_found. In the scope of a single object dispatcher we require that the mapping between identity and facet dispatcher is bijective, so there is also get_identity for the reverse mapping.

Client Exceptions

type client_condition = [ `Client_is_down
| `Connect_error of exn
| `Connect_timeout
| `Error of exn
| `Facet_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Message_lost of bool
| `Message_timeout
| `Object_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Operation_does_not_exist of identity * string option * string
| `Transport_timeout
| `Unknown_exception of string
| `Unknown_local_exception of string
| `Unknown_user_exception of string
| `User_exception of sliced_value ]
exception Client_condition of client_condition
These conditions may be passed back to the caller of a RPC function:
  • `Message_lost: The client was shut down before the response arrived. The reason is unrelated to the RPC call that sees `Message_lost (i.e. it is a follow-up error). The argument says whether the request message was tried to send (true) or not (false).
  • `Message_timeout: The maximum time for replying the RPC call has been exceeded.
  • `Transport_timeout: The transport level (TCP level) blocks for too long. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.)
  • `Connect_timeout: The transport level (TCP level) blocks for too long while connecting to a server, or while doing the initial handshake. It is ensured that the server has never seen the RPC call. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.)
  • `Connect_error e: An error happened while connecting to the server, or while doing the initial handshake. The exception e explains the error. It is ensured that the server has never seen the RPC call. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.)
  • `Client_is_down: A call is tried with a client that is already shut down
  • `User_exception sv: The remote function raises a user-level exception, i.e. an exception that is declared in the Ice IDL. The sliced value sv represents the exception.
  • `Object_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the object is unknown to the server.
  • `Facet_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the facet is unknown to the server.
  • `Operation_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the function is unknown to the server.
  • `Unknown_local_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an exception that is declared in the IDL as local exception (such exception cannot be marshalled at all). The string s explains the exception.
  • `Unknown_user_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an exception that is declared in the IDL but not for the operation. The string s explains the exception.
  • `Unknown_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an unknown exception. The string s explains the exception.
  • `Error e: An error happened that is not one of the above. The exception e explains the error. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.)


type transport_protocol_type = [ `Datagram | `Stream ] 
class type descriptor = object .. end
type network_port = [ `TCP of Unix.inet_addr * int | `UDP of Unix.inet_addr * int ] 
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