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Module Hydro_marshal

module Hydro_marshal: sig .. end
Hydro marshalling

val encapsulate : (Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit) -> Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
encapsulate f b e: Calls f b and prepends the encapsulation header. e is the minor encoding version. (The major encoding version is always 1.)
val marshal : Hydro_types.system ->
Hydro_types.htype -> bool -> Hydro_types.value -> Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
marshal sys ht class_flag val nb e: Encodes the value val which is supposed to be of type ht and appends the string to nb. The class_flag must be true if ht contains classes. Logically, an encapsulation is created, but the encapsulation header is not written. e is the minor encoding version. (The major encoding version is always 1.)
val marshal_exn : Hydro_types.system ->
Hydro_types.hexn -> Hydro_types.sliced_value -> Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
marshal_exn sys hx val nb e: Encodes the exception value val which is supposed to be of (static) exn type hx and appends the string to nb. Logically, an encapsulation is created, but the encapsulation header is not written. e is the minor encoding version. (The major encoding version is always 1.)
val marshal_msg : Hydro_types.system ->
Hydro_types.compression_status ->
Hydro_types.msg -> int -> int -> Hydro_types.msg_buffer
marshal_msg sys zstat msg p e: Returns a message buffer (header and bodies) for a message. p is the minor protocol version. e is the minor encoding version (which must have been used for all encapsulations). (The major version for protocol and encoding is always 1.)
val max_proto_minor : int
val max_enc_minor : int
Maximum versions we can support


Internal & Low-level. These functions are also called by generated language-mapping code
val print_bool : Netbuffer.t -> bool -> unit
val print_byte : Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
val print_short : Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
val print_int : Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
val print_int32 : Netbuffer.t -> int32 -> unit
val print_int64 : Netbuffer.t -> int64 -> unit
val print_float : Netbuffer.t -> float -> unit
val print_double : Netbuffer.t -> float -> unit
val print_size : Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
val print_string : Netbuffer.t -> string -> unit
Various printers
val marshal_sequence : (Netbuffer.t -> 'a -> unit) -> Netbuffer.t -> 'a array -> unit
val marshal_dictionary : (Netbuffer.t -> 'a -> unit) ->
(Netbuffer.t -> 'b -> unit) -> Netbuffer.t -> ('a * 'b) array -> unit
val marshal_enum : int -> Netbuffer.t -> int -> unit
val encoded_int : int -> string
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