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Class type Hydro_oa.object_adapter_t

class type object_adapter_t = object .. end
The class type of object adapters. Note that this is a subtype of Hydro_types.object_dispatcher, and can be used in server interfaces like Hydro_endpoint.Master.bind_adapter.

method add : Hydro_types.identity -> Hydro_lm.interface_base -> unit
add id obj: Adds the object obj under the identity id to the adapter. It is an error if the identity is already member of the adapter, or if the object is already member. In the first case Identity_exists will be raised, and in the latter case Object_exists.

The object implementation is registered as the default facet.

method mem_id : Hydro_types.identity -> bool
Tests whether the identity is added to the adapter
method mem_obj : Hydro_lm.interface_base -> bool
Tests whether the object is added to the adapter
method remove_id : Hydro_types.identity -> unit
Removes the identity from the adapter. It is no error if the identity is not member of the adapter.
method remove_obj : Hydro_lm.interface_base -> unit
Removes the object from the adapter. It is no error if the object is not member of the adapter.
method invoke_object : Hydro_types.identity -> Hydro_types.facet_dispatcher
Looks the object for the given identity up, and returns the corresponding facet dispatcher. If the object is not found, Not_found will be raised. This method is called by the Hydro runtime when an operation of an object is invoked.
method get_identity : Hydro_lm.interface_base -> Hydro_types.identity
Looks the identity for the given object up, or raises Not_found
method adapter_id : string option
method set_adapter_id : string option -> unit
Get/set the adapter ID. Having such an ID is optional, and only required when a locator service (IceGrid) is used.
method replica_group_id : string option
method set_replica_group_id : string option -> unit
Get/set the replica group ID. Having such an ID is optional, and only required when the adapter is to become a member of a replica group in a locator service (IceGrid).
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