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Module Hydro_params

module Hydro_params: sig .. end
Creating and modifying runtime parameters

val call_params : ?msg_timeout:float ->
?destination:Unix.sockaddr ->
?context:(string * string) list -> unit -> Hydro_types.call_params
Create a set of call parameters. Omitted values appear as None in the set:
  • msg_timeout: If set to tmo, the number tmo is the maximum number of seconds until when a response must have been arrived. Otherwise the call times out with a Client_condition `Message_timeout. If None, there is no such timeout condition. (Only used for twoway calls.)
  • destination: For unconnected UDP sockets, this parameter must be passed to set the destination of the call. For connected sockets this parameter must not be passed.
  • context: If set to ctx, the key/value pairs in ctx are to be passed as context. If not set a reasonable default is passed.

val update_call_params : ?msg_timeout:float ->
?destination:Unix.sockaddr ->
?context:(string * string) list ->
Hydro_types.call_params -> Hydro_types.call_params
Modifies the given call params
val client_params : ?trans_timeout:float ->
?msg_timeout:float ->
?idle_timeout:float ->
?exception_handler:Hydro_types.exn_handler ->
?max_proto_minor:int ->
?max_enc_minor:int -> unit -> Hydro_types.client_params
Create a set of client parameters:
  • trans_timeout: If non-negative, a timeout on the transport level is set. This means that connections that block for more than this number of seconds time out. In this case, the whole client fails, and all pending calls see a Client_condition `Transport_timeout if it happens in the middle of a connection, or Client_condition `Connect_timeout if it happens in the connect phase. (Default: -1)
  • msg_timeout: If non-negative, the number tmo is the maximum number of seconds until when a response must have been arrived. Otherwise the call times out with a Client_condition `Message_timeout. This error is non-fatal, and only the single call times out. (Only used for twoway calls.) (Default: -1)
  • idle_timeout: when the client has been idle for this number of seconds, it is automatically shut down. "Idle" means that there is neither something to send nor a message is expected to be received. (Default: -1)
  • The exception_handler is invoked for exceptions that cannot be handled by the client. The handler is never invoked for Unbound_exceptions - these always fall through to the caller. In any case the client is shut down for exceptions that cannot be handled by the client. (Default: default_exception_handler)
  • max_proto_minor and max_enc_minor are the maximum minor versions of the server. These values are only used in the datagram case; for stream connections they can be obtained directly from the server. If not set, minor numbers of 0 are assumed.

val update_client_params : ?trans_timeout:float ->
?msg_timeout:float ->
?idle_timeout:float ->
?exception_handler:Hydro_types.exn_handler ->
?max_proto_minor:int option ->
?max_enc_minor:int option ->
Hydro_types.client_params -> Hydro_types.client_params
Modifies the given client params
val update_client_params_by_endpoint : Hydro_types.endpoint ->
Hydro_types.client_params -> Hydro_types.client_params
Updates the trans_timeout, max_proto_minor and max_enc_minor parameters by the values found in the endpoint:
  • trans_timeout: is compared with the timeout of the endpoint, and the smaller value is taken
  • max_proto_minor and max_enc_minor: taken from the endpoint

val default_exception_handler : Hydro_types.exn_handler
The default handler just prints the exception to stderr
val client_params_cmp : Hydro_types.client_params -> Hydro_types.client_params -> int
Compares two client params objects, and returns a result like The functions compares the values of the methods.
val server_params : ?trans_timeout:float -> unit -> Hydro_types.server_params
Create a set of server parameters:
  • trans_timeout: If non-negative, a timeout on the transport level is set. This means that connections that block for more than this number of seconds time out. In this case, the connection is dropped

val update_server_params : ?trans_timeout:float ->
Hydro_types.server_params -> Hydro_types.server_params
Modifies the given server params
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