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Module Hydromon_query

module Hydromon_query: sig .. end
Query a running Hydromon instance for the liveliness of a port

type cache 
Caches previous queries
val create_cache : port:int -> period:int -> unit -> cache
create_cache port period () : Create empty cache that is connected with the Hydromon instance port. In port pass the port number of the Hydromon server running on the same machine. (Other configurations are not supported.)

period is the number of seconds the monitored objects are checked in the background without requiring a new RPC call.

exception No_result of string
An error prevented the check from being done
val check_object : cache:cache ->
monobj:string -> operation:string -> idempotent:bool -> unit -> int
Checks whether the object monobj is alive with respect to the given operation. Returns the number of recently failed pings, i.e. 0 means that the service is good.

monobj is given as stringified proxy. Note that indirect proxies are not supported by check_object.

val configure_proxy : cache:cache ->
proxy:Hydro_proxy.proxy_t ->
operation:string ->
idempotent:bool -> ?threshold:int -> ?deactivate:bool -> unit -> unit
Configures the proxy such that the liveliness of the server port is checked before every call. The string is the name of the operation to be used for pinging.

threshold: After this number of failed pings the server is considered as being down. Default: 1

deactivate: If the server is not reachable, the server port is marked as dead in the pool object. Note that this also affects other proxies that share this pool even if the other proxies are not configured for using Hydromon. Default: false

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