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Class type Hydro_proxy.proxy_t

class type proxy_t = object .. end
This is the base class type of every proxy. Proxies usually have more methods than just this, however.

method hydro_env : proxy_env_t
Return the proxy environment
method hydro_id : Hydro_types.identity
Return the identity of the object the proxy represents
method hydro_facet : string option
Return the facet, if used
method hydro_twoway_call : Hydro_types.hintf ->
string ->
Hydro_types.value array ->
Hydro_types.call_params -> (Hydro_endpoint.Client.response -> unit) -> unit
hydro_twoway_call hi name args params pass_result: Perform a twoway call to the function name of interface hi, and pass the arguments args as input. The params control the way the call is done. Once a result or error is available, pass_result is invoked with the response.

This method takes care of resolving symbolic endpoints, and manages the connections held to possible servers. If connections cannot be established, alternate servers are tried. Idempotent function calls are repeated if connections break.

method hydro_set_proxy_conf : proxy_conf_t -> unit
Sets a new proxy configuration. This is best done before the first call is made. If done later, the current resolution is invalidated.
method hydro_proxy_conf : proxy_conf_t
Return the current proxy configuration
method hydro_set_monitor : (proxy_t -> managed_client_t -> bool) -> unit
hydro_set_monitor mon: The function mon is called whenever a call is to be done. It is called as mon proxy mc. If it returns true, the call will be done using managed client mc. If it returns false, this client is considered as dead, and is skipped. The function mon is free to deactivate the host or the port in the pool.
method hydro_shutdown : unit -> unit
Marks the proxy as "down". Currently, this does not have any effect on calls that are pending, and on active connections. New calls are refused, however. (In order to shut down connections, talk to the pool!)
method hydro_reset : unit -> unit
Resets the internal proxy state
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