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Module Netamqp_methods_0_9

module Netamqp_methods_0_9: sig .. end

type no_ack = bool 
type octet = int 
type reply_code = int 
type redelivered = bool 
type peer_properties = Netamqp_rtypes.table 
type queue_name = string 
type table = Netamqp_rtypes.table 
type timestamp = float 
type longstr = string 
type long = Rtypes.uint4 
type short = int 
type shortstr = string 
type bit = bool 
type consumer_tag = string 
type method_id = int 
type path = string 
type no_local = bool 
type reply_text = string 
type exchange_name = string 
type longlong = Rtypes.uint8 
type class_id = int 
type no_wait = bool 
type message_count = Rtypes.uint4 
type delivery_tag = Rtypes.uint8 
type arg_Connection_start = octet * octet *
peer_properties * longstr *
type arg_Connection_start_ok = peer_properties * shortstr *
longstr * shortstr
type arg_Connection_secure = longstr 
type arg_Connection_secure_ok = longstr 
type arg_Connection_tune = short * long *
type arg_Connection_tune_ok = short * long *
type arg_Connection_open = path * shortstr *
type arg_Connection_open_ok = shortstr 
type arg_Connection_close = reply_code * reply_text *
class_id * method_id
type arg_Channel_open = shortstr 
type arg_Channel_open_ok = longstr 
type arg_Channel_flow = bit 
type arg_Channel_flow_ok = bit 
type arg_Channel_close = reply_code * reply_text *
class_id * method_id
type arg_Exchange_declare = short * exchange_name *
shortstr * bit *
bit * bit * bit *
no_wait * table
type arg_Exchange_delete = short * exchange_name *
bit * no_wait
type arg_Queue_declare = short * queue_name *
bit * bit * bit *
bit * no_wait *
type arg_Queue_declare_ok = queue_name * message_count *
type arg_Queue_bind = short * queue_name *
exchange_name * shortstr *
no_wait * table
type arg_Queue_unbind = short * queue_name *
exchange_name * shortstr *
type arg_Queue_purge = short * queue_name *
type arg_Queue_purge_ok = message_count 
type arg_Queue_delete = short * queue_name *
bit * bit *
type arg_Queue_delete_ok = message_count 
type arg_Basic_qos = long * short *
type arg_Basic_consume = short * queue_name *
consumer_tag * no_local *
no_ack * bit *
no_wait * table
type arg_Basic_consume_ok = consumer_tag 
type arg_Basic_cancel = consumer_tag * no_wait 
type arg_Basic_cancel_ok = consumer_tag 
type arg_Basic_publish = short * exchange_name *
shortstr * bit *
type arg_Basic_return = reply_code * reply_text *
exchange_name * shortstr
type arg_Basic_deliver = consumer_tag * delivery_tag *
redelivered * exchange_name *
type arg_Basic_get = short * queue_name *
type arg_Basic_get_ok = delivery_tag * redelivered *
exchange_name * shortstr *
type arg_Basic_get_empty = shortstr 
type arg_Basic_ack = delivery_tag * bit 
type arg_Basic_reject = delivery_tag * bit 
type arg_Basic_recover_async = bit 
type arg_Basic_recover = bit 
type method_t = [ `Basic_ack of arg_Basic_ack
| `Basic_cancel of arg_Basic_cancel
| `Basic_cancel_ok of arg_Basic_cancel_ok
| `Basic_consume of arg_Basic_consume
| `Basic_consume_ok of arg_Basic_consume_ok
| `Basic_deliver of arg_Basic_deliver
| `Basic_get of arg_Basic_get
| `Basic_get_empty of arg_Basic_get_empty
| `Basic_get_ok of arg_Basic_get_ok
| `Basic_publish of arg_Basic_publish
| `Basic_qos of arg_Basic_qos
| `Basic_qos_ok
| `Basic_recover of arg_Basic_recover
| `Basic_recover_async of arg_Basic_recover_async
| `Basic_recover_ok
| `Basic_reject of arg_Basic_reject
| `Basic_return of arg_Basic_return
| `Channel_close of arg_Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow of arg_Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok of arg_Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open of arg_Channel_open
| `Channel_open_ok of arg_Channel_open_ok
| `Connection_close of arg_Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open of arg_Connection_open
| `Connection_open_ok of arg_Connection_open_ok
| `Connection_secure of arg_Connection_secure
| `Connection_secure_ok of arg_Connection_secure_ok
| `Connection_start of arg_Connection_start
| `Connection_start_ok of arg_Connection_start_ok
| `Connection_tune of arg_Connection_tune
| `Connection_tune_ok of arg_Connection_tune_ok
| `Exchange_declare of arg_Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_declare_ok
| `Exchange_delete of arg_Exchange_delete
| `Exchange_delete_ok
| `Queue_bind of arg_Queue_bind
| `Queue_bind_ok
| `Queue_declare of arg_Queue_declare
| `Queue_declare_ok of arg_Queue_declare_ok
| `Queue_delete of arg_Queue_delete
| `Queue_delete_ok of arg_Queue_delete_ok
| `Queue_purge of arg_Queue_purge
| `Queue_purge_ok of arg_Queue_purge_ok
| `Queue_unbind of arg_Queue_unbind
| `Queue_unbind_ok
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_commit_ok
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_rollback_ok
| `Tx_select
| `Tx_select_ok ]
type sync_client_to_server_method_t = [ `Basic_cancel of arg_Basic_cancel
| `Basic_consume of arg_Basic_consume
| `Basic_get of arg_Basic_get
| `Basic_qos of arg_Basic_qos
| `Basic_recover of arg_Basic_recover
| `Channel_close of arg_Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow of arg_Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok of arg_Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open of arg_Channel_open
| `Connection_close of arg_Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open of arg_Connection_open
| `Connection_secure_ok of arg_Connection_secure_ok
| `Connection_start_ok of arg_Connection_start_ok
| `Connection_tune_ok of arg_Connection_tune_ok
| `Exchange_declare of arg_Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_delete of arg_Exchange_delete
| `Queue_bind of arg_Queue_bind
| `Queue_declare of arg_Queue_declare
| `Queue_delete of arg_Queue_delete
| `Queue_purge of arg_Queue_purge
| `Queue_unbind of arg_Queue_unbind
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_select ]
type sync_server_to_client_method_t = [ `Basic_cancel_ok of arg_Basic_cancel_ok
| `Basic_consume_ok of arg_Basic_consume_ok
| `Basic_get_empty of arg_Basic_get_empty
| `Basic_get_ok of arg_Basic_get_ok
| `Basic_qos_ok
| `Basic_recover_ok
| `Channel_close of arg_Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow of arg_Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok of arg_Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open_ok of arg_Channel_open_ok
| `Connection_close of arg_Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open_ok of arg_Connection_open_ok
| `Connection_secure of arg_Connection_secure
| `Connection_start of arg_Connection_start
| `Connection_tune of arg_Connection_tune
| `Exchange_declare_ok
| `Exchange_delete_ok
| `Queue_bind_ok
| `Queue_declare_ok of arg_Queue_declare_ok
| `Queue_delete_ok of arg_Queue_delete_ok
| `Queue_purge_ok of arg_Queue_purge_ok
| `Queue_unbind_ok
| `Tx_commit_ok
| `Tx_rollback_ok
| `Tx_select_ok ]
type sync_client_initiated_method_t = [ `Basic_cancel of arg_Basic_cancel
| `Basic_consume of arg_Basic_consume
| `Basic_get of arg_Basic_get
| `Basic_qos of arg_Basic_qos
| `Basic_recover of arg_Basic_recover
| `Channel_close of arg_Channel_close
| `Channel_flow of arg_Channel_flow
| `Channel_open of arg_Channel_open
| `Connection_close of arg_Connection_close
| `Connection_open of arg_Connection_open
| `Exchange_declare of arg_Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_delete of arg_Exchange_delete
| `Queue_bind of arg_Queue_bind
| `Queue_declare of arg_Queue_declare
| `Queue_delete of arg_Queue_delete
| `Queue_purge of arg_Queue_purge
| `Queue_unbind of arg_Queue_unbind
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_select ]
type sync_server_initiated_method_t = [ `Channel_close of arg_Channel_close
| `Channel_flow of arg_Channel_flow
| `Connection_close of arg_Connection_close
| `Connection_secure of arg_Connection_secure
| `Connection_start of arg_Connection_start
| `Connection_tune of arg_Connection_tune ]
type async_client_to_server_method_t = [ `Basic_ack of arg_Basic_ack
| `Basic_publish of arg_Basic_publish
| `Basic_recover_async of arg_Basic_recover_async
| `Basic_reject of arg_Basic_reject ]
type async_server_to_client_method_t = [ `Basic_deliver of arg_Basic_deliver
| `Basic_return of arg_Basic_return ]
type content_method_t = [ `Basic_deliver of arg_Basic_deliver
| `Basic_get_ok of arg_Basic_get_ok
| `Basic_publish of arg_Basic_publish
| `Basic_return of arg_Basic_return ]
type method_type_t = [ `Basic_ack
| `Basic_cancel
| `Basic_cancel_ok
| `Basic_consume
| `Basic_consume_ok
| `Basic_deliver
| `Basic_get
| `Basic_get_empty
| `Basic_get_ok
| `Basic_publish
| `Basic_qos
| `Basic_qos_ok
| `Basic_recover
| `Basic_recover_async
| `Basic_recover_ok
| `Basic_reject
| `Basic_return
| `Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open
| `Channel_open_ok
| `Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open
| `Connection_open_ok
| `Connection_secure
| `Connection_secure_ok
| `Connection_start
| `Connection_start_ok
| `Connection_tune
| `Connection_tune_ok
| `Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_declare_ok
| `Exchange_delete
| `Exchange_delete_ok
| `Queue_bind
| `Queue_bind_ok
| `Queue_declare
| `Queue_declare_ok
| `Queue_delete
| `Queue_delete_ok
| `Queue_purge
| `Queue_purge_ok
| `Queue_unbind
| `Queue_unbind_ok
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_commit_ok
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_rollback_ok
| `Tx_select
| `Tx_select_ok ]
type sync_client_to_server_method_type_t = [ `Basic_cancel
| `Basic_consume
| `Basic_get
| `Basic_qos
| `Basic_recover
| `Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open
| `Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open
| `Connection_secure_ok
| `Connection_start_ok
| `Connection_tune_ok
| `Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_delete
| `Queue_bind
| `Queue_declare
| `Queue_delete
| `Queue_purge
| `Queue_unbind
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_select ]
type sync_server_to_client_method_type_t = [ `Basic_cancel_ok
| `Basic_consume_ok
| `Basic_get_empty
| `Basic_get_ok
| `Basic_qos_ok
| `Basic_recover_ok
| `Channel_close
| `Channel_close_ok
| `Channel_flow
| `Channel_flow_ok
| `Channel_open_ok
| `Connection_close
| `Connection_close_ok
| `Connection_open_ok
| `Connection_secure
| `Connection_start
| `Connection_tune
| `Exchange_declare_ok
| `Exchange_delete_ok
| `Queue_bind_ok
| `Queue_declare_ok
| `Queue_delete_ok
| `Queue_purge_ok
| `Queue_unbind_ok
| `Tx_commit_ok
| `Tx_rollback_ok
| `Tx_select_ok ]
type sync_client_initiated_method_type_t = [ `Basic_cancel
| `Basic_consume
| `Basic_get
| `Basic_qos
| `Basic_recover
| `Channel_close
| `Channel_flow
| `Channel_open
| `Connection_close
| `Connection_open
| `Exchange_declare
| `Exchange_delete
| `Queue_bind
| `Queue_declare
| `Queue_delete
| `Queue_purge
| `Queue_unbind
| `Tx_commit
| `Tx_rollback
| `Tx_select ]
type sync_server_initiated_method_type_t = [ `Channel_close
| `Channel_flow
| `Connection_close
| `Connection_secure
| `Connection_start
| `Connection_tune ]
type async_client_to_server_method_type_t = [ `Basic_ack | `Basic_publish | `Basic_recover_async | `Basic_reject ] 
type async_server_to_client_method_type_t = [ `Basic_deliver | `Basic_return ] 
type content_method_type_t = [ `Basic_deliver | `Basic_get_ok | `Basic_publish | `Basic_return ] 
val type_of_method : method_t -> method_type_t
val responses_of_method : method_type_t -> method_type_t list
val content_method_types : method_type_t list
val string_of_method_type : method_type_t -> string
val string_of_method_id : class_id:int -> meth_id:int -> string
type props_t = [ `P_basic of
shortstr option *
shortstr option * table option *
octet option * octet option *
shortstr option *
shortstr option *
shortstr option *
shortstr option *
timestamp option *
shortstr option *
shortstr option *
shortstr option * shortstr option
| `P_channel
| `P_connection
| `P_exchange
| `P_queue
| `P_tx ]
type message_t = [ `Body of Xdr_mstring.mstring list
| `Header of props_t * int64
| `Heartbeat
| `Method of method_t
| `Proto_header of string ]
val decode_method_message : Netamqp_types.frame -> method_t
val encode_method_message : method_t -> int -> Netamqp_types.frame
val decode_header_message : Netamqp_types.frame -> props_t * int64
val encode_header_message : props_t -> int64 -> int -> Netamqp_types.frame
val encode_heartbeat_message : unit -> Netamqp_types.frame
val encode_body_message : Xdr_mstring.mstring list -> int -> Netamqp_types.frame
val encode_proto_header_message : string -> Netamqp_types.frame
val decode_message : Netamqp_types.frame -> message_t
val encode_message : message_t -> int -> Netamqp_types.frame
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