A | |
abort_and_propagate_error [Netamqp_endpoint] |
The endpoint is aborted and set to the
`Error state.
ack_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
ack_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Acknowledges the delivery of the message identified by
delivery_tag .
amq_direct [Netamqp_exchange] | |
amq_fanout [Netamqp_exchange] | |
amq_match [Netamqp_exchange] |
The four standard exchanges.
amq_topic [Netamqp_exchange] | |
announce_e [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
announce_s [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Sends the protocol header, and waits until the response arrives.
async_c2s [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Asynchronous calls from the client: This function just
sends the given method to the server.
async_c2s_e [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
async_c2s_s [Netamqp_endpoint] |
These versions of
async_c2s return first when the message is
passed to the socket.
B | |
bind_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
bind_s [Netamqp_queue] |
Bind a queue to an exchange, and set the routing key.
C | |
cancel_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
cancel_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Cancels the consumer identified by
consumer_tag .
clear_output [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Remove any frames from output queues
close_e [Netamqp_channel] |
Closes the channel.
close_e [Netamqp_connection] | |
close_s [Netamqp_channel] |
Same as synchronous call
close_s [Netamqp_connection] |
Request client side closure.
commit_e [Netamqp_tx] | |
commit_s [Netamqp_tx] |
Commits the current transaction and starts a new one
configure_sync_timeout [Netamqp_channel] |
Configure the timeout for synchronous request/response methods.
configure_timeout [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Configures the transport-level timeout.
connect [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Triggers the connect to the server.
connection [Netamqp_channel] |
Return the connection the channel uses
consume_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
consume_s [Netamqp_basic] |
This method asks the server to start a "consumer", which is a
transient request for messages from a specific
content_method_types [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
create [Netamqp_connection] |
Create the connection management object for the endpoint.
create [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Creates a new endpoint which is initially
`Off .
create_message [Netamqp_basic] |
Creates a new message.
create_method_exception [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Returns a
D | |
declare_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
declare_e [Netamqp_exchange] | |
declare_passively_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
declare_passively_e [Netamqp_exchange] | |
declare_passively_s [Netamqp_queue] |
Check whether a queue with the given
queue_name exists, and raise
a channel error if not.
declare_passively_s [Netamqp_exchange] |
Check whether an exchange with the given
exchange_name exists,
and raise a channel error if not.
declare_s [Netamqp_queue] |
Declare a new queue: Create it if the queue does not exist yet, or else
check whether the queue exists with the given properties.
declare_s [Netamqp_exchange] |
Declare a new exchange: Create it if the exchange does not exist yet,
or else check whether the exchange exists with the given properties.
decode_header_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
decode_longstr [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
decode_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
decode_method_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
decode_shortstr [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
decode_table [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
default_port [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Default port number for AMQP
delete_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
delete_e [Netamqp_exchange] | |
delete_s [Netamqp_queue] |
This function deletes the queue.
delete_s [Netamqp_exchange] |
Delete an exchange.
direct [Netamqp_exchange] | |
disable_channel [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Enable/disable channels.
disconnect [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Requests an orderly disconnect.
drop_frames [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Request to drop any incoming frames (to be used after having
received the connection.close method)
E | |
eff_max_frame_size [Netamqp_endpoint] |
These two function talk to the transport, see
enable [Netamqp_endpoint.Debug] | |
enable [Netamqp_transport.Debug] |
Netlog -style debugging
enable_channel [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
encode_body_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_header_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_heartbeat_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_longstr [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
encode_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_method_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_proto_header_message [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
encode_shortstr [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
encode_table [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
endpoint [Netamqp_channel] |
Return the endpoint the channel uses
endpoint [Netamqp_connection] |
Return the endpoint the connection uses
event_system [Netamqp_channel] |
Return the event system the channel uses
event_system [Netamqp_connection] |
Return the event system the connection uses
event_system [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Return the event system the endpoint uses
expect_eof [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Instruct the endpoint not to generate an
exception when EOF is seen from the server
F | |
fanout [Netamqp_exchange] | |
flow_control [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Requests that the flow is enabled (true) or disabled (false) for
a certain channel.
G | |
get_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
get_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Fetches a message synchronously from the queue.
get_timeout [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Return the configured timeout value
getpeername [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Get the names of the own socket and the peer socket, resp.
getsockname [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
H | |
headers [Netamqp_exchange] | |
I | |
is_channel_enabled [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Whether a channel is enabled
is_open [Netamqp_channel] |
Whether a channel is open.
is_open [Netamqp_connection] |
The connection is first open after the open handshake has been
completed, i.e.
L | |
listen_for_errors [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Defines an error listener.
M | |
mk_mstring [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
N | |
number [Netamqp_channel] |
Return the channel number
O | |
on_deliver [Netamqp_basic] |
Registers a handler so that
cb is called back whenever a
message is delivered to the client.
on_return [Netamqp_basic] |
Registers a handler so that
cb is called back whenever a
message is returned to the client.
open_e [Netamqp_channel] |
Opens a channel on this connection.
open_e [Netamqp_connection] |
Opens a connection: The endpoint is instructed to connect on the
transport level, to negotiate protocol parameters, and to
authenticate the client.
open_next_e [Netamqp_channel] | |
open_next_s [Netamqp_channel] |
Opens a channel, and chooses the channel number automatically.
open_s [Netamqp_channel] |
Same as synchronous call
open_s [Netamqp_connection] |
Same as synchronous function
P | |
plain_auth [Netamqp_connection] | plain_auth username password : use PLAIN authentication.
propagate_error [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Propagate the exception to handlers and engines.
protocol [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Return the protocol
publish_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
publish_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Publishes the passed message.
purge_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
purge_s [Netamqp_queue] |
This function removes all messages from a queue which are not awaiting
Q | |
qos_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
qos_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Sets the quality of service for the channel (or the whole connection
global=true ).
quick_disconnect [Netamqp_endpoint] |
A quick disconnect proceeds faster than an orderly disconnect.
R | |
read_string_uint2 [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
read_string_uint2_unsafe [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
read_uint2 [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
read_uint2_unsafe [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
recover_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
recover_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Redeliver all unacknowledged messages on a
specified channel.
register_async_s2c [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Asynchronous calls from the server:
Registers that the callback function is called
when the server sends a method of the given type.
register_sync_s2c [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Synchronous calls initiated by the server:
Registers that the callback function is called
when the server sends a method of the given type.
reject_e [Netamqp_basic] | |
reject_s [Netamqp_basic] |
Rejects a message (instead of acknowledging it).
reset [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Turns the endpoint off again.
responses_of_method [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
rollback_e [Netamqp_tx] | |
rollback_s [Netamqp_tx] |
Rolls the current transaction back and starts a new one
S | |
select_e [Netamqp_tx] | |
select_s [Netamqp_tx] |
Selects transactions for this channel
set_max_frame_size [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
state [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Reports the connection state
state_change_e [Netamqp_endpoint] |
The engine finishes at the next
state change.
string_of_frame_type [Netamqp_types] | |
string_of_method_id [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
string_of_method_type [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
string_of_sockaddr [Netamqp_transport] |
Convert to string, for debugging purposes
suggest_channel [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Suggests a channel number
sync_c2s_e [Netamqp_channel] | |
sync_c2s_e [Netamqp_endpoint] | |
sync_c2s_s [Netamqp_channel] |
Works very much like
Netamqp_endpoint.sync_c2s_e , but the channel_obj
can be passed, and the right timeout handling is done for this channel.
sync_c2s_s [Netamqp_endpoint] |
Synchronous calls initiated by the client: Calls the argument method
and waits for the right reply method.
system [Netamqp_exchange] |
The five standard exchange types.
T | |
tcp_amqp_multiplex_controller [Netamqp_transport] |
The multiplex controller for stream encapsulation
tls_session_props [Netamqp_endpoint] |
TLS session properties
topic [Netamqp_exchange] | |
type_of_method [Netamqp_methods_0_9] | |
U | |
uint2_as_string [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
unbind_e [Netamqp_queue] | |
unbind_s [Netamqp_queue] |
Remove a binding.
unsafe_rev_concat [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
W | |
write_uint2 [Netamqp_rtypes] | |
write_uint2_unsafe [Netamqp_rtypes] |