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Module Netcgi_fcgi

module Netcgi_fcgi: sig .. end
Implementation of FastCGI

This code is copyright 2003 Eric Stokes, and may be used under either, the GNU GPL, or the same license as ocamlnet
val serv : ?config:Netcgi_env.cgi_config ->
(Netcgi_types.cgi_activation -> unit) -> Netcgi.operating_type -> unit
This function "serves". It accepts fastcgi connections, builds Netcgi_types.cgi_activation objects from them and calls a function which you supply, passing the activation object as an argument. It gets all the stuff that it needs to add to the cgi_activation object from the fcgiRequest structure (req). That structure is created when the request is read from the web server by fcgi_accept. The stuff that is in there (environment vars, stdin, etc) is pretty straitforward, if you're curious, link to the low level library, call fcgi_accept yourself, and print it all out. Yes, you can make a web app from just the low level library (see netcgi_fcgi_10.mli), and that is sometimes useful, for example when all you care about is performance.
val get_fcgi_env : ?config:Netcgi_env.cgi_config -> unit -> Netcgi_env.cgi_environment
This function allow you to accept one connection, and get an environment object for it. Note that if you decide to operate this way, you must build an activation object, and when you are done call (your activation object)#output#close_out (). It you don't do this you will run out of file descriptors very soon
val get_fcgi_activation : ?config:Netcgi_env.cgi_config ->
Netcgi.operating_type -> Netcgi_types.cgi_activation
This function will accept one connection and build a cgi activation object for you. You have the same responsibility as above, you must call (your activation object)#output#close_out (), otherwise you will run out of fds very soon.
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