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buffered_transactional_optype [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
buffered_transactional_optype [Netcgi]
A predefined transactional operating_type using a Buffer.t to store the not yet completed transaction.

default_config [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
default_config [Netcgi_env]
The default configuration is: tmp_directory: one of /var/tmp, /tmp, C:\temp, ., tmp_prefix: "netstring", permitted_http_methods: "GET", "POST", permitted_input_content_types: "multipart/form-data", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", input_content_length_limit: maxint, workarounds: all To create a custom configuration, it is suggested to use this syntax:
 let custom_config =
    { default_config with tmp_prefix = "my_prefix" }

fcgi_accept [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
accept a fastcgi connection
fcgi_destroy [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
tear down a connection after finishing with it
fcgi_write_end_request [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
write an end request record
fcgi_write_stderr [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
write to fcgi stderr
fcgi_write_stdout [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
write to fcgi stdout

get_fcgi_activation [Netcgi_fcgi]
This function will accept one connection and build a cgi activation object for you.
get_fcgi_env [Netcgi_fcgi]
This function allow you to accept one connection, and get an environment object for it.

jvm_emu_main [Netcgi_jserv]
This function fakes the "java" command (JVM startup).

logger [Netcgi_jserv_app]
This variable contains the logger function.

max_rec_size [Netcgi_fcgi_10]
The maximum record size for stdout, and stderr.

parse_properties [Netcgi_jserv]
Parses a property file and returns it as alist
prng_init [Netcgi_jserv]
Initializes the PRNG and seeds it with the passed key.
prng_init_from_file [Netcgi_jserv]
Initializes the PRNG and seeds it with the contents of the passed file.

random_8bits [Netcgi_jserv]
Returns the next byte of the PRNG
read_control_pipe [Netcgi_jserv]
Reads the next message from the control pipe, and raises either Signal_restart or Signal_shutdown.
run [Netcgi_jserv_app]
Starts the server.

serv [Netcgi_fcgi]
This function "serves".
serve_connection [Netcgi_jserv_ajp12]
Serves the connection designated by the in_obj_channel and the out_obj_channel.
server [Netcgi_jserv]
The function server simply calls server_init first to get the file descriptor from the port specification, and it then calls server_loop to process the requests.
server_init [Netcgi_jserv]
Initializes the AJP server by listening on a TCP port.
server_loop [Netcgi_jserv]
Accepts connection coming from the web server on the file_descr, and calls the connection handler.
signal_restart [Netcgi_jserv]
Signals the server that a "restart" must be done.
signal_shutdown [Netcgi_jserv]
Signals the server that a "shutdown" must be done.
std_config [Netcgi_jserv_app]
The standard configuration:

tempfile_transactional_optype [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
tempfile_transactional_optype [Netcgi]
A predefined transactional operating_type using a temporary file to store the not yet completed transaction

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