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Module Uq_server

module Uq_server: sig .. end

Server sockets

Server sockets

type listen_address = [ `Socket of Uq_engines.sockspec * listen_options
| `W32_pipe of Netsys_win32.pipe_mode * string * listen_options ]
Specifies the resource to listen on:

  • `Socket(addr,opts): It is listened on a socket with address addr
  • `W32_pipe(mode,name,opts): It is listened on a pipe server with name which accepts pipe connections in mode.

type listen_options = Uq_engines.listen_options = {
   lstn_backlog : int; (*The length of the queue of not yet accepted connections.*)
   lstn_reuseaddr : bool; (*Whether to allow that the address can be immediately reused after the previous listener has its socket shut down. (Only for Internet sockets.)*)
val default_listen_options : listen_options
Returns the default options
class type server_endpoint_acceptor = object .. end
This class type is for service providers that listen for connections.
class direct_acceptor : ?close_on_shutdown:bool -> ?preclose:unit -> unit -> Unix.file_descr -> Unixqueue.event_system -> server_endpoint_acceptor
An implementation of server_endpoint_acceptor for sockets and Win32 named pipes.
val listener : ?proxy:#Uq_engines.server_endpoint_listener ->
listen_address ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
server_endpoint_acceptor Uq_engines.engine
This engine creates a server socket listening on the listen_address. If passed, the proxy is used to create the server socket.

On success, the engine goes to state `Done acc, where acc is the acceptor object (see above). The acceptor object can be used to accept incoming connections.

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