module Netascii_armor:sig
typearmor_type =
[ `Base64 | `OpenPGP | `Plain ]
typearmored_message =
[ `Base64 of Netmime.mime_body
| `OpenPGP of Netmime.mime_header * Netmime.mime_body * int
| `Plain of Netmime.mime_body ]
`Plain m
: The body m
is written as-is`Base64 m
: The body m
needs to be BASE-64-encoded in order
to create the ASCII armor`OpenPGP(h,m,chksum)
: There is a header h
, a body m
will be BASE-64-encoded, and a checksum chksum
typearmored_message_ro =
[ `Base64 of Netmime.mime_body_ro
| `OpenPGP of Netmime.mime_header_ro * Netmime.mime_body_ro * int
| `Plain of Netmime.mime_body_ro ]
typearmor_spec =
(string * armor_type) list
.val parse : armor_spec ->
Netchannels.in_obj_channel ->
(string * armored_message_ro) list
The channel is read line-by-line.