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Module Netsys_crypto

module Netsys_crypto: sig .. end

Cryptographic providers

Users should not call functions of the providers directly. Instead, use:

val current_tls : unit -> (module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_PROVIDER)

Return the current TLS provider. Only available if such a provider is linked into the executable. Do this by calling the init function of the provider, e.g. Nettls_gnutls.init.

val current_tls_opt : unit -> (module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_PROVIDER) option

Same as current_tls but it returns None if TLS is unavailable

val current_symmetric_crypto : unit -> (module Netsys_crypto_types.SYMMETRIC_CRYPTO)

Returns the current provider for symmetric cryptography. This provider is always available, but may be empty (not implementing any ciphers).

val current_pubkey_crypto : unit -> (module Netsys_crypto_types.PUBKEY_CRYPTO)

Returns the current provider for public key cryptography. This provider is always available, but may be empty (not implementing any ciphers).

val current_digests : unit -> (module Netsys_crypto_types.DIGESTS)

Returns the current provider for cryptographic digests. This provider is always available, but may be empty (not implementing any digest).

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