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Module Pxp_event

module Pxp_event: sig .. end
Dealing with events (for pull parsing)

Dealing with events (for pull parsing)

Events as lists

val to_list : (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) -> Pxp_types.event list
Fetch all events from the pull function, and return the corresponding list of events.
val of_list : Pxp_types.event list -> unit -> Pxp_types.event option
of_list l: Create a pull function fetching the events from l
val concat : (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) list -> unit -> Pxp_types.event option
let p = concat l: The pull functions contained in the list l are concatenated, and a new pull function p is created that pulls from the functions of the list in turn (when one function indicates the end of the events, it is continued with the next function in the list).
val iter : (Pxp_types.event -> unit) -> (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) -> unit
iter f p: The pull function p is repeatedly called to get a stream of events e. For each event the function f is called.
val extract : Pxp_types.event ->
(unit -> Pxp_types.event option) -> unit -> Pxp_types.event option
let next' = extract e next: Extracts a subexpression from the pull function next prepended by e. A subexpression consists of either
  • a single data, comment, PI, or error event
  • a start tag, either of an element, a super root, or a document, until the corresponding end tag
  • a position event followed by a subexpression
The returned pull function contains all events of the subexpression. When the extracted stream is read, the original stream is read, too.

Example:  let l = [ E_pinstrE_start_tagE_dataE_start_tagE_end_tag;
           E_commentE_end_tagE_data ];;
 let g = of_list l;;
 let Some e = g();;         (* e = E_start_tag *)
 let g' = extract e g;;
 g'();;                     (* returns Some E_start_tag *)
 g'();;                     (* returns Some E_end_tag *)
 g'();;                     (* returns None, end of subexpression *)
 g();;                      (* returns Some E_data *)
 g();;                      (* returns None *)


type pull_fn = unit -> Pxp_types.event option 
type filter = pull_fn -> pull_fn 
A filter transforms a pull function into another pull function
val norm_cdata_filter : filter
This filter
  • removes empty E_char_data events
  • concatenates adjacent E_char_data events
but does not touch any other parts of the event stream.
val drop_ignorable_whitespace_filter : filter
This filter
  • checks whether character data between elements in a "regexp" or "non-PCDATA mixed" content model consists only of whitespace, and
  • removes these whitespace characters from the event stream.
If the check fails, a WF_Error will be raised.

This filter works only if the DTD found in the event stream actually contains element declarations. This is usually enabled by including the `Extend_dtd_fully or `Val_mode_dtd options to the entry passed to the create_pull_parser call. Furthermore, there must be an E_start_doc event.

This filter does not perform any other validation checks.

val pfilter : (Pxp_types.event -> bool) -> filter
Filters an event stream by a predicate

Example: Remove comments:  pfilter (function E_comment _ -> false | _ -> true) g 

val unwrap_document : pull_fn -> (unit -> string * Pxp_dtd.dtd) * pull_fn
This filter removes the document wrapping from the stream (see The wrapping for closed documents for a definition what this is). It is called like

         let (get_doc_details, next') = unwrap_document next
         let (version, dtd) = get_doc_details()

The returned filter removes any E_start_doc, E_end_doc, E_start_super, E_end_super, and E_end_of_stream events. If an E_error event is encountered, the contained exception is raised. All other events of the stream remain.

The function get_doc_details can be called to get details about the document definition. If an E_start_doc event is found in the stream, the XML version string and the DTD object are returned. The function fails if E_start_doc is not the first event of the stream.

Helpers for namespace processing

The names in E_start_tag can be analyzed with the following.
val namespace_split : string -> string * string
let (p,l) = namespace_split name: Splits name into the prefix p and the local name l. If there is no colon in name, the function returns p="", and l=name.
val extract_prefix : string -> string
Returns the prefix in the name, or "" if there is no prefix. Same as fst(namespace_split name).

Printing event streams

type dtd_style = [ `Ignore | `Include | `Reference ] 
val write_events : ?default:string ->
?dtd_style:dtd_style ->
?minimization:[ `AllEmpty | `None ] ->
Pxp_types.output_stream ->
Pxp_types.encoding ->
Pxp_types.rep_encoding -> (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) -> unit
Writes the events to the output_stream. The events must be encoded as indicated by the rep_encoding argument, but the output is written as specified by the encoding argument.

The normalized namespace prefixes are declared as needed. Additionally, one can set the default namespace by passing default, which must be the normalized prefix of the default namespace.

For E_doc_start events, the DTD may be written. This is controlled by dtd_style:

  • `Ignore: No DOCTYPE clause is written
  • `Include: The DOCTYPE clause is written, and the DTD is included in the internal subset (the default)
  • `Reference: The DOCTYPE clause is written as a reference to an external DTD
Option minimization: How to write out empty elements. `AllEmpty means that all empty elements are minimized (using the <name/> form). `None does not minimize at all and is the default.
val display_events : ?dtd_style:dtd_style ->
?minimization:[ `AllEmpty | `None ] ->
Pxp_types.output_stream ->
Pxp_types.encoding ->
Pxp_types.rep_encoding -> (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) -> unit
Writes the events to the output_stream. The events must be encoded as indicated by the rep_encoding argument, but the output is written as specified by the encoding argument.

Namespace prefixes are declared as defined in the namespace scopes. Missing prefixes are invented on the fly.

The way the DTD is printed can be set as in write_events.

val string_of_event : Pxp_types.event -> string
Returns a string representation of events, for debugging
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