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WDialog API for Objective Caml: index_exceptions

Index of exceptions

Change_dialog [Wd_types]
The implementation of the handle method of a dialog may raise Change_dialog to drop the current dialog and continue with another dialog.
Change_page [Wd_types]
The implementation of the handle method of a dialog may raise Change_page to set the next page to display for the current dialog.

Element_exists [Wd_interactor]
Raised by some functions if there is already a component with the ID

Formal_user_error [Wd_types]
A formal error that happens independently of the current runtime state.

Instantiation_error [Wd_types]
An error generated by the instantiate method.
Invalid_session_checksum [Wd_dialog]
Raised when the session checksum as stored in the database is not the same that is transmitted by the browser.

No_such_variable [Wd_types]
It has been tried to access a non-declared variable.

Runtime_error [Wd_types]
A certain operation cannot be performed because the current state does not fulfill the necessary preconditions.

Session_not_found [Wd_dialog]
Raises when the current session was not found in the database.

Template_not_found [Wd_template]
Raised when a template cannot be found.

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